Happy New Year

I think that the most precious moment for me this new year's eve was when my daughter took my hand and took her mom's hand and shared her gratifude for us in her life and how much we meant to her.  She then thanked us both for what we are to her and how much each of our love sustained her.  I was to say it mildly floored, ot because I was at all surprised because she has always been that kind of child and has turned into a woman of powerful feelings and of truth.  I am not sure that many parents could say the same and I know many who are suffering at the actions of their children who they raised and don't show appreciation to them and if they do it is rare.  

The woman that my daughter has become is a person who enjoyes every moment of her life.  She refuses to allow anyone or anything to stop her from having her piece of the joy of the world.  She spreads it and she smiles the whole time.  It is as if she was born with a light inside of her and it inspires others around her all the time.  People love her so much that they go out of their way to come to me and tell me so.  Anyone who has taken the time to be in her energy knows a particularly beautiful brand of love.  

As this year comes to a start I worry that my children will not be as happy as I want to make them or I worry that they won't have all the things they need and yet what I know for sure is that it is an illusion and a lie that I make up in my head about fear and it is my own fear.  I know they have eveyrthing they need and more.  The beauty is that they are so happy having exactly what they have in life normally not complaining about anything.  The love they have within sustains them always.  Love that endures every difficult time in their life including my challenges as of late.  They come up to the light every time and they see it clearly.  Life is a series of situations and they ride that wave like no one I  know.  

As this year proceeds I see my fears disappearing and my true light coming through like a beam so powerful it amuses me. I will never lack for anything and my children will be there to sing for me when I am in transition whether it it tomorrow of forty years from now.  There are not too many other people who can say that.  That there will be someone singing to them and holdiing their hand as they pass to the next place that they don't believe exists.  I do believe and I will dance all the way there.  In the meantime this is my year and it's going to be awesome.  The greatness of God will follow me and guide me all the way.  It is like the Juan Luis Guerra song about God being the navagator of his boat. God is my sail and he has it all under control.  

Happy New Year.  


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