Fun Alone

We hear a lot about enjoying our life with someone and when we are in a relationship but rarely do we hear about how to have a good time alone.  Living alone and enjoying this experience takes some doing and intention is the key.  We must know that being alone is not a bad thing but rather a beautiful and glorious opportunity to live our life fully and without reservations.  No one is there to tell us what to do, what to think or what is next.  We get to fly on our own at the height we would like to fly and for as long as we want.  We can look at being alone as loneliness and we can view it as a terrible and confusing time in our life or we could liken it to a gift, because it is.  Being alone is our chance to find out all of the things that make us happy and how we would like to live our daily life.  We can sit around day after day doing nothing or we could fill our days with joy and activities.  We can live a full life alone knowing that we are never really alone.  We have friends, we have talents to share, we have activities to partake in and we have wisdom to attain.  Being alone is not a "death sentence".  In fact  being alone is a wonderful start to achieving some of the things we have always wanted to achieve and do.

A friend of mine has buried two partners thus far.  During the time that he was alone he had a stroke.  Things did not look good for him and I thought that the loss of his second husband must have been the reason for his stroke.  I could not have been more wrong.  After he healed from his stroke he went back to being a professor and continued his commitment to collecting art and caring for his life and the things he loved and the other people who loved him.  Every time I spoke to him we talked about how wonderful his partner was to him and never once did he shed a tear.  He seemed more focused on the positive things that happened between them than the sadness of his death, something that was not of a surprise because he'd battled with MS for some years.  My friend could have buried his head under the ground and perhaps become a recluse but instead he chose to be happy and enjoy his life alone.  Instead he chose to love himself enough to continue to do the things he loved.  In fact he was doing more alone than when he was with a partner or so it seemed.  We can view a loss of a loved one as the end or we can look at it as a beginning which is what my friend did.  I was very proud of him and even though he missed his husband he remained optimistic about life and everything and everyone around him.

Alone seems to have this connotation of hurt and of darkness.  Alone seems to have a meaning that is falsely believed in.  Alone for some means that they have to be unhappy if not at least part of the time in their day and in their life.  It does not have to be this way.  In fact it can be just the contrary.  Alone can mean that there is more time to live, laugh and love even more than before.  It is a chance to bring more into your life that may need to be filled in to make it a life that is fuller and more graceful.  It is a chance to look inward and to do the work you feel needs to be done in your life.  A chance to travel to places unseen and a time to color outside the lines.  Being alone is not a punishment.  Being by your self is not a terrible penalty of life.  In fact I think it is a reward.  My grandmother use to say better to be alone than ill accompanied.  That of course assumes that there are some of us who were with someone that was not of our best and highest vibration.  In this case becoming single is even more of a blessing.

I have had some compelling times in my single days when I am alone.  I have done many things that I would not have done had I always been with someone thinking about what they wanted to do.  In fact during the alone times I have learned more than my share of the things of life.  I think that when people are alone they should do as much to grow as possible.  Here are some alone time fun things to do:

Travel, buy flowers, movies, dancing alone, classes, exercise, reading, research, meditation, sewing, making things, painting, cooking, entertaining, spending family time, vision boards and taking walks.  There are endless possibilities.  There are endless things to do and endless experiences to have.  There is more time for attaining knowledge and learning lessons.  Being alone can be elating and the happiest moments of your life.  Being alone is not just spending time alone but that is a part of it.  Make sure that you take that time to get in touch with yourself and those things that make you happen and whole.  Be fearless and courageous.  Be happy with what you have without any concern about being with someone.  If it is meant for you to meet a person it will happen organically and naturally.


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