Faith Will Propel Me

This subject sometimes eludes me.  This idea that if I believe and if I have faith that nothing will be impossible for me.  There are days when I truly believe this and then there are days when I loose faith because something happens to me that I don't like.  Something that is not pleasant for me and something that takes me out of my faith.  Yet I have noted that when I have just a little faith (as in a grain of mustard seed) it carries me through the dark parts.  It only takes a little faith to go a long way.  It is like a lot of things in life: love, compassion, kindness.  A little of any of these qualities goes further than we think.  A small kindness or a small amount of faith and knowing that you will receive so much more for giving just a little or for believing just a little.

I have noticed that when I go out to do errands and I am polite and joyful with those I come across that over time I feel more and more joy.  I smile at others, I look at them in the face, I respond "how are YOU doing" when they ask me how I am doing and it results in the most wonderful day.  So little kindness and attentiveness goes such a long way.  I find myself at the end of my experience feeling exhilarated.  I myself cannot believe how small an action impacts me and others around me, sometimes eliciting a surprise on other people's faces.   A nice surprise.

If we wake up having just a little bit of faith that things will go well and that we are blessed we build up to a fascinating and magical day.  A little faith takes us from a simple day to a day filled with adventure.  A little faith takes us from a black and white experience to a color filled one.  We see things so differently it is as though everything looks more bright, even the colors around us.  We end up feeling fuller and more satisfied.

When we are in doom and darkness and lack faith we end the way that we start our day: dark and lack luster.  We don't see the colors.  We don't see the adventures around us.  We fail to smile and get smiled at.  We don't have a full experience.  Faith and the belief that things will go well will propel you forward.  Faith is made of love and love is faith.  When you have it you know it because your heart feels it and your soul soars like a bird spreading it's wings and flying high above the ships sailing below them.


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