Don't Get a Job

I would have not thought I would be the person to say to you: "don't get a JOB".  JOB's are not for everyone and I can assure you that if they were no one would be wealthy and independently financially off the charts wealthy.  Jobs are for people who live in fear and I was one of them.  I worked a JOB for 29 years and every year I would tell myself that a JOB was not for me.  I was miserable at least fifty percent of the time and the other fivety I was likely just at most CONTENT and who the hell wants to live half their life content?

On Friday my daughter came over with a friend.  I love this girl because not only is she beautiful outside she is beautiful inside as well.  She happens to be a plus size woman, a real woman who cannot seem to find a job and is currently "temping".  I wondered what to say to her as she said the word "but' so many times in a few sentences.  She would do this but... or she would be OK but if it were not for ...  I finally stopped her and asked her to conisder not using the word but.  She was so delighed and the light went off in her head right way: She got it.  She knew she was sabotoging herself with the but stuff.

I finally asked her what the universe was tryining to say to her since she was trying so hard to find a job but could never find one.  She did not have an answer but I did.  I shared that perhaps this is a message from spirit that she is not suppose to be working a JOB and that maybe she should be thinking about her own business and using her talents to develope her own earning power.  She smiled from ear to ear, it must have resonated for her.  It spoke to her.  She had talents and she could use them to earn money and to live in her truth and integrity.  She had talents and she could make money on her own without worrying about getting hired by anyone.

We are not all cut out to go to a nine to five gig.  We are not all cut out to work a JOB the rest of our lives as evidenced by so many complaints from people with jobs, especially ones who have been working for the same company for 29 years like I did.  I would go so far as to say that most of us don't belong in a JOB.  Most of us are creative people and we need to be creating and making money doing something that brings us joy and uses our creative talents.  That would explain the high rate of unemployment and it also explains why my lovely friend cannot seem to find a job even if she is willing to stand on her head.  She needs to use her talents and resources and make a living being happy and doing what makes her happy.

I want to vomit thinking about all the years I plaed into a JOB.  No one would believe the little pension I get after twenty nine freaking miserable years.  I believe it because I am budgeting that money every month and worry a lot.  Unfortunately my worrries don't help me one bit.  I know that the only way to get around my worrries is to start that online business I have been wanting to start for some years now.  I belong in the fashion industry and I have equisite taste because goddess gave me that talent.  I can dress a woman from head to toe and heads would turn.  I wasted many years in a dead end JOB and now at sixty I am pondering my future.  Thank God I took an early retirement otherwise I would still be grinding and feeling belittled.  I recall crying on the way to work.  That is not a good sign my friends.  Not a good sign at all.  I am one of the many people who need to take his talents to the bank and I have every intention of doing so, collecting garments for my vintage women's fashion store.

Each of you has a talent or two or many.  Now is the time to cash in on it.  Now is the time to let your talents carry you and not some miserable JOB.  We were not made to work some job the rest of our life being stifled and miserable for years on end.  We were brought here to be content and happy and joyfully serving not working behind some freaking desk.  So get your ass up my sisters and brothers and start a business of your own using the talents that you have.  Get your website, get your business card, put a sign on your car with the phone number and get started.  What in the hell do you have to loose?  NOTHING.


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