Four Reasons to Live

I have always suffered from depression.  I am uncertain as to whether I ever admitted that on my blog before and I don't mind saying it now.  There are millions of us in the world who have a chemical imbalance or simply have suffered such abuse that depression and darkness becomes second nature.  We are the group of people who might be most in need of knowing the reasons to live and understanding that living our life with purpose means something.  We must also know that everything we do matters and that everything we think effects us in one way or the other.  As I watch channel 220 I realize more fully the order of things when people like Maya Angelou discuss what it was like to be a black woman in a racist world and to be born on the date that Martin Luther King was killed.  And other black women who knew that racism was just about fear and lack of knowing.

One of the things that I want to create less of is belaboring other's ignorance about people of color.  I would rather spend my time looking at the reason to live and live fully regardless of what others might think of the color of my skin.  There will be more and more and more of the same ignorance and it may never die and so I will bypass it and to on to the reasons why we should want to live and live fully.  These are them:

1.  To share your gifts of wisdom:
I am here to share what I have learned in life about many life situations.  Situations like being abandoned by my dad or being asked what a Puertorican was.  The wisdom I learned at USM and through my own spiritual work.  I am here to share that wisdom that came from all those experiences.

2.  To be of service to others and the earth:
I am here on this earth to be of service.  That is how I feel.  I cannot understand life without the experience of having volunteered in a homeless shelter or sponsored a child from Africa.  My life is so wonderful compared to that of children who are dying of hunger and so my serving is everything and is one of the most important reasons for my life.

3.  To love and heal others:
I am alive to love and heal others.  IF there is a word that I can use to make someone feel better then I must use it and use it a lot.  I am here to love my children, my grandkids and the world of people at large.  To love and to heal others is a purpose we have because just as we were loved and healed so we must give it forward.

4.  To Laugh at Life's Crisis:
If we take ourselves too serous we will surely die.  In order to live a life more fully we must laugh in the face of crisis and pain.  It is not always easy to do that yet we can.  We can attempt each day to laugh off the things that happen in our life without minimizing it but rather applying love and laughter to it.  It is a good reason to live.  Live to laugh about it.  Make the reason you live an opportunity to laugh again and again.  Laugh your ass off.  Life is not worth living witout seeing the light side and the side that makes you laugh eventually.  Even if you don't laugh right away.

There it is.  The four reasons to live.  I also like a funny one that says: "live long enough to make your kid's miserable" although that one is not as funny as just being in a form of lightness around life and what happens to us.  As you all know I have kind of gone through the fire yet I am here and I have at least four reasons to keep on keeping on.


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