Getting in Touch With Your Spirit

Our spirit is the deepest part of who we are.  It is the part of us that holds our most intimate feelings about love, life and creativity.  Our spirit is the part of us that holds our dreams and hopes.  It is the part of us that enables us to have feelings for others and do things that are meaningful and charitable. Getting in touch with our spirit or our deepest self requires doing our work.  Most of us don't want to do that kind of work and therefor rarely communicate or get in touch with our spirit.  Here are some ways to open your spirit up and find your own highest self:

Meditation is one of the best ways to access your spirit.  By keeping quiet and allowing your heart to receive you access the spiritual part of you.  Meditation is not powerful nor will it make you powerful but rather meditation is empowering.  Through meditation you get to know your inner soul and your highest light.  Our spirit needs moments of quiet when we take the time to speak to that part of us.  Our spirit is the most important  part of who we are.  It is peace, serenity and balance that gets created by the spirit when we take the time to bring it forward and shine a light on that part of us.

Prayer accesses our spiritual body.  Prayer is a way of speaking to our spirit and of nurturing it.  When we pray we are asking our higher power to fill us with light and enlightenment.  Prayer can be specific to something we want to bring into our life: prosperity, joy, connection, love.  Prayers can also be general and when we ask for our highest good, accepting whatever is for us.  What is in the highest good of our spirit and the loved ones that surround us.  We pray for what is for us and we have faith that we will get what we need in life.

There are times when we feel like we cannot move.  There are days when we don't want to get out of bed.  Movement helps us to move through  it and get to our deepest self, our spirit.  Dancing is helpful, exercise can be healing and just moving about helps us to access our spiritual self.  I like the idea of playing music and just moving to it.  It does not have to be a dance or any type of organized movement but rather a random swaying and moving about that is easy and graceful.  Moving moves the energy inside you and helps you to release whatever is impeding you from feeling open hearted.  Staying still and doing nothing does not invite your spirit to come out and play.

Play and Be Playful:
Allow your inner child to come out and play.  Get a toy or use your children's toys.  Build a house from Legos or play with dolls.  Let your playful side come out and your spirit will follow.  Become like a child again and color a page in a coloring book or cut and paste pictures from a magazine.  Any form of play is so wonderful for the spirit, even just jumping rope or playing with jacks.

Create Something:
The spirit is happy when it is creating something.  Make something our of beads or sew a dress or knit a scarf.  Create something and feel your spirit being lifted.  The spirit loves to create and be creative.  Find ways to express your creative side and know that this part of you is very important.  Some might say that they are not creative but what I believe is that everyone is creative and everyone has a creative side wanting to come out.  Not creating is not listening to our spirit while surrendering to creativity speaks to our spirit and brings us joy.

Writing is a positive way to access your spiritual side.  I was once asked to write a letter to my spirit asking for what I needed.  You can access your spiritual being by writing a loving letter to it.  It ca be for the purpose of asking your spirit to help you make decisions or just sharing how the deepest part of you is feeling.  Talk to your spirit in a way that asks it to come forward and in a way that is light filled.  Ask for what you need.  Write randomly and without too much thinking.  Be in a place of abandon when you are communicating with your deepest self: your spirit.

Your spirit needs to be nurtured and even though it feels like work it is not.  It is a natural process.  You love the deepest part of you and you take the time to feed it and access it.  Don't be influenced by people who are angry and want to kill your spirit.  Know that your spirit is your salvation.


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