
We create our own karma and we create a lot of what happens to us.  We make our own situation and we make an energy around us that effects us either positively or negatively.  Our karma is our energy and our energy is what surrounds us.  It is like an aura that we decide on every day.  Things will effect our karma such as how we treat others and how we think of ourselves.  When we treat others poorly and we think or ourselves as lowly and unworthy our karma or energy becomes depleted and saddened.  We feel anxious and tired often and we cannot seem to find anyting or anyone or any situation that will make us happy.  We create a sitaution that is either good or bad for us and for others around us.

Changing our karma, our energy is a choice, our choice to make every day and every moment of the day.  It is how we look at things.  A common saying is "seeing the glass half full" an it beats seeing it as half empty.  When we consistently see the glass as half empty we carry around a karma that is a downer and effects us in a truly sad way.  Making that decision to be in our highest energy, our best karma is important to our joy.  Making that decision to see our life as something of good will elevate our energy level and create more joy.  

The way to elevate our karma is to do things that make us happy and even just doing anything but staying in one place and feeling down is bettter than doing nothing.  Doing nothing creates nothing and absolutely nothing happens in our life when we are not in some form of movement of energy.  Moving around alone begins to open up our passages and opens our spirit up.  Dance, run, exercise or call someone you love and cares about you.  Instead of complaning about things use that time to share some good things that have happened to you or to simply listen to them share their experiences with you.  Often times just reaching out to someone helps elevate us.  

Karma is energy and karma is what we feel and by reading things that lift us up or watching an upbeat movie we can raise our energy level.  Take time to pick a book or a select a feel good movie or plan a feel good time.  Lift yourself up by doing things that are loving and kind for yourself, someone else or both.  Don't let what others around you are feeling get you down.  Keep a good atttitude by continuing to love yourself bit by bit until it is natural and it feels like the right thing to do and the right way to feel.  Don't give up on yourself.  

There will be people and situations and even movies that bring you down and suck the energy from you.  Keep those people and situations at arms length.  Don't get involved with  people who are on a path of self-pity and jealousy or on a mission to self-destruct.  Keep yourself surrounded by loving, kind, compassionate folks and if you see that you are spinning your wheels begin a process of elimination.  Take those depleting people out of your phone list and email contacts.  Keep and mingle with the people who bring light into your space, good karma and good energy.  

And so the point of this whole blog is to ask ourselves what in our life are we creating in terms of our energy and karma?  Who in our life are creating loving energy in our life?  What do we need to focus on in order to create a positive karma in our life?  Once we know that we are on our way to becoming the karma we want in life.  Mainly we think ourselves into good energy what loves us and that we can pass on to others and getting away from the bad energy that brings us down and brings others down.


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