Don't Just Survive: Flourish

My daughter sent me a saying on a poster that I hung up.  It simply says: " You intended to hurt me but god intended it all for good".  What it brought up for me was this inability for people not to forgive our mistakes but rather to intend harm towards us.  Oddly enough the ones who will remain nameless will soon uncover that their desire to hurt me has turned on them.  There is no sin we don't pay for here on earth.

My intention is not just to survive but to live a life that is so full of joy that it will kill off the evil  spirited people that have tried to claim my personal space and judge me for every little thing I may have said or done.  It amuses me that people cannot take one little remark or criticism of their character but they are so judgemental and cruel to others.  Even people who are in a wheelchair or have a disability are not missed.  I know because there have been those times for me and today I have flourished like a rose and opened up like a butterfly.  I am enjoying life more in spite of the wish for me to be hurt and down trotten.  I am child of god and no one can change that fact even those I perceive as my enemies.

That saying is one that expresses the fact that others may wish you harm but the power of spirit, our spirit and our source turns it all around.  In fact what happens in some cases is that the person wishing you ill will is the one who will experience the bad vibes and feelings not you.  There is nothing we need to do to anyone who wishes us wrong.  There is nothing we need to do because there is nothing needed.   Our soul and our wishes for good will overcome anything someone else wishes on us that is not in our loving good or their highest vibration.  Nothing is more powerful than to forgive others for their ignorance knowing that their ignorance is not going to harm you in the end.

I have a friend who has gone through the fire.  She has experienced cancer and during that time people who wished her harm and expressed mean thoughts to her in an email.  On top of it she was sent this nasty note in an email that she then responded to under the influence of pain medication.  Unfortunately the person she responded to had not an ounce of compassion for her and sued her.  Not only did she accomplish getting her in trouble she is now considered "a criminal" even though she had not initiated the bad vibes.  Here mistake of course was responding when she should of known that God would attend to this mean spirited person who not only baited her, she smiled at her in court as it to say "gotcha".  Amazingly the court system entertains these kinds of people all the time.  The laws are written in such a way that people are suing others over the most ridiculous of things and making a case out of nothing but sheer hatred.  Yet what my friend must know is that she is a light and that she made a mistake by allowing another person to turn her into something she was not by reacting under the influence and becoming angry over someone who is insular and narcasisitic.

In life we must know that no one can do us harm when we are in a place of love and faith.  No one can take us "off our base" if we know who we are.  No one can harm us without our permission and without our reaction to their behavior.  We are the leaders of our own life and leaders of our own existence and peace of mind.  We cannot allow others to say who we are and when we do it is only because we don't know who we are.  Love is always the answer and even if we don't love the person who is trying to hurt us we can love our selves.  Once we have this all together then we can flourish.  There is still time to change things around and to become more of who you are after an experience like my friend had.  We can turn it around and we can win in the end by doing what we need to do to be in our prosperity and love.
Amen!  Can I get an Amen?
Elliott Collazo Gonzalez


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