Darkness and Light 2

Darkness and light are the most common characteristics of the human species.  We are not forthright in admitting this about mankind.  The fact is that we are all darkness and light and we all have elements of evil and good in us.  We are each capable  of dark thoughts and light ones as well.  It is nothing to be shamed about or put down about and those who don't admit they have a dark side are simply not being honest with themselves.

We know darkness because we have seen the light.  We know light because we have seen the darkness in us and in others.  We can identify darkness and light because we have experienced each one separately from the other.  If it were not for darkness we would not know light and light is what we need more of.  In order to identify light we must be able to know what darkness looks and feels like.

Staying in the darkness is how people end up dead or in jail.  Most of us don't stay in the darkness at all times because we couldn't bear it.  Darkness is the price we pay to see light but we must be careful not to accept complete darkness as the means to an end.  We must know how to get up from the darkness and into the light and at times the very first thing we must be able to do is to get up out of bed.  That is a decision we make when we are in such pain and sadness and anger that we just want to not be a part of the world at large.

Light is when we see to the other side when we are in pain and we feel relief from it.  We decide to go from the dark place to a lighter place.  We go from jealousy and rage to love and compassion. Light is when we decide to take a walk and feel the sun on our face, placing one foot in front of the other.  Most of the time we can go into a place of light by just making the effort to move in any direction.  Any direction..

Think of your darkest moment and then visualize water pouring over your dark feelings with light and air.  Imagine being bathed in light as though the water were light filled.  Stay still and feel the dark feelings then the light taking over and a feeling of relief and joy.  Hold your head up and feel the light pouring onto you, into you and all over you.  You are wet with light.  Whenever you feel darkness close your eyes and feel the warm light.  Open your eyes and confirm that you have overcome the dark times.  You survived and you will continue to survive.

We don't need to judge our dark feelings or  our desire to be in the light.  We don't need to question why we are in our darkness but rather know that it's a feeling that we won't hold onto forever.  We will overcome that darkness once again and then again when we need to remembering that staying in the darkness is not in our highest good.  In other words it won't do us any good to stay in the darkness. Do something that signifies that you have crossed the line from the dark side to the light side. Walk from one room to another one or walk outside.  This represents you walking out of the darkness and into the light.

The very main thing to remember is that darkness is natural and so is light.  We of course want more light in our life, things that are good and fun.  We want to be happy rather than to be in a sad darkness. We would like to be in the light more than in the darkness.  This is possible and the way it is possible is to engage ourselves in things that are more fun, light filled and safe.  We can experience more light because we simply want to and we say NO to the darkness once we identify it.

Be in your darkness but don't stay in it.  Be in your sadness and feel it but know that you can only stay in it for so long. Uncover our darkeners and put it in the light.  Do not fear your darkness but do not worship it like a victim.   See your dark moment, feel that dark moment and then decide consciously to towards the light.


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