Soft Addictions

One of the many soft addictions that are common place is television.  Let's face it we are an American society that is very addicted to TV.  Now with cable television we are truly getting more addictive television than ever before.  I find that some of the addictive TV shows are ones about true crimes or true housewives.  There are so many shows on TV and any one of them can become an addiction however television in general has become an addiction for many.  I find myself turning the TV off at times realizing fully that I have watched my share of it for the day.  I am sometimes as guilty as anyone else and end up watching a couple of hours of television late at night.  Once I get hooked to my 20/20 on ABC TV and other shows I have to pry myself away from it.

I think that TV is generally an addiction for people who feel lonely and most of all those of us who live alone.  It's very easy to get on a kick to watching TV and allowing it to suck you in, especially when you feel like you don't have anything better to do.  In reality we do have plenty of wonderful things we could be doing besides watching television like reading, writing, taking a nice warm bath, going out to dinner and much more.  Television is right there in front of us and easy to access.  Going out and doing something active like going to the gym is a lot more work and more purposeful.

Television replaces intimacy for many of us.  Instead of interacting with others we watch television and we watch others living their life instead of us living our own life.  When we believe that our life is as important and interesting as the ones on the screen we will free ourselves from the addiction of television.  We will stop watching others live and make a life of our own.  We can let the screen go and move into a more active lifestyle.

The remedy for television addiction is simple.  Turn the TV OFF.  Listen to music that will relax you and read while you are listening to some meditation music by Liquid Mind.  Take some time to meditate and then write about your life experiences.  Go our to the gym and do a short workout even if only thirty minutes.  Go enjoy and dinner at a restaurant in your neighborhood.  Start a project that requires that you use your hands like sewing or making earrings.

Monitor the amount of and the type of programs you watch on TV, cable or Netflix.  Try to watch things that are positive and light hearted.  Avoid the shows you think you might be attached to.  Avoid negative TV Period.   Decide on the days that you won't watch TV at all.  Don't watch it every day so that you are forced to do other things to entertain yourself.

We can avoid our feelings by watching TV and allowing the chatter to be constant so that we don't have to think.  We can also decide not to do that to ourselves and take the time to do things that make us healthy emotionally, spiritually and physically.  We can watch the tube or we can do more of the things we have been wanting to do.  We can avoid our feelings or face them with a therapist or life coach who can help us understand why we don't want to hear our inner voice speak.  TV is a real addiction and getting rid of it is not easy but if you start by turning off the TV that will be a great start to healing it.

As we discuss soft addictions like watching too much TV or dating bad boys take the time to ask yourself why.  Why is the reason we do things and why will answer our most important inquiry that leads us to the healing part.  Believe you can do it and start today.


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