Let's Make a Deal

Everything (ok, maybe not everything) in life is a deal, I contend.  You make deals with your kids, your spouse, the devil, God and even with angels.  You make a deala like if you don't die you will spend your life serving God or serving mankind or serving in a soap kitchen.  Lots of things in life are a deal, believe me.  We make deals because we have to, we want to, we think we have to or we believe we must.  We make deals with people we don't like and the ones we do.  And Deals are made all the time on our behalf like what government some officials in government make for us.

Life is filled with making deals and if we were better at making deals with each other life would certainly be a lot less stressful.  I make a deal to be nice to you to be nice, to use loving language and to treat you with respect and you make a deal to wash my clothes and treat me with respect all the time.  Life is a series of deals we make with each other.  The only problem is that many of us don't want to make deals because we are either selfish or we would rather not commit to being nice or sharing the responsibility of relatonship.

Deals are made between leaders all the time but when it comes to two human people, every day people as I would put it, we have a difficult time making deals and keeping them.  One can look at deals like agreements.  When we make a deal we agree to something or another.  When we make agreements we are making deals.  Relationships the work are based on good deals and good agreements.  Agreements of course that are kept and that people mean and follow up on.

We don't always make the best deals or agreements and in that case we might want to review the deals we make and come up with a new agreement that suits the situation and that suits the parties in volved better as well as applyin itself to the current times.  When things change deals change and when deals change both parties need to agree to change the deal or agreement.  This will likely ask each party to review why the agreement is best changed or altered.

The deals we make in life will be many.  At one time I made a deal to be married and monogamous with one person.  At one time I spent all my time keeping that agreement until one day I realized I no longer wanted to be married.  It doesn't matter why I did not want to be married to her but more importantly that I went back to the table to let her know that the deal was off.  I was no longer in agreement with being married to her.  It hurt to break the deal and both of us went through some hard period of time before we came back and realized that it was the best agreement we made: to be divorced.  Some deals are not fun nor are they easy to change or alter.

Making deals in life need to be well thought out.  Most of us make deals at the drop of a hat as though it is like agreeing to passing the salt when in fact it is much more serious.  We make too many deals in ways that are much too casual and way too simple.  We think that making deals are just a way to shut someone up and go on with the same MO as before.  We make deals and we break them so fast and easy that we might as well not made one to begin with.

If we would make more deals with each other and keep them life would be so much more grateful.  We would be so much happier if we thought about making a deal and the consequences of breaking them before we signed on the dotted line.  The trouble is with mankind is that we make deals we are going to break and we know we are going to break.  Our deals to stand up to the test of time and neither does our dignity.  IF when we made deals we would be more attune to the truth all these divorces would be lessened.  When we don't have the intention of keeping our deals we should not make one.

Life is a deal.  Life is a deal we make with ourselves.  Life is a deal we make with others or we break with others.  When we break a deal we loose integrity.  When we make a deal and don't mean it we tell others a lie and we lie to ourselves.  Life is a series of deals.  We make them and we break them an those of us who are honorable do our best to make good on our deals.


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