Stressing Friday

Today I dedicate my blog to Friday and a visit from a person I have to see but dread even looking at.  It is a day that I dread because of the energy he or she brings into my home.  I keep wishing I could cut the cord that binds us technically but I cannot do that yet.  I wish I could feel differently from before but nothing in my feelings seems to change.  The resentment and the anger is still present and it is hard to be cordial to someone who has harmed me in so many ways.  The part that makes it more difficult is that I endured it and allowed myself to be crossed over and over again.  Only my faith in God makes these visits bearable.

Today is Wednesday and I have two nights to prepare myself.  I can choose not to be in the home when this person arrives.  I can purposely leave the home and may opt to do so to protect my spirit and to eliminate having to feel that negative energy.  I will allow my Source to answer my question and to guide me to do as He or She would think best for me.  I will pray and meditate around it and eventually figure out what is best for me this time around.  I will set my intention with love and mostly with my self-nurturing and healing in mind.  For so long I worried about someone else and what they thought of me and today I feel closer to loving myself enough to move away from the stuff that is not loving and kind.  The things that don't feel good.

Tomorrow is a new day that I cannot think about yet.  My daughter is tentatively planning to come see me for a few hours and that is something to look forward to, but what I know is that I have to enjoy this moment because it is all I have.  My intent is to do that by bringing as much joy into my energy as possible and praying for clarity.  I have the faith I need to create a life of peace and balance.  I tell myself this as I write it for you.  What we think of we create a lot of.  Today I am thinking of balance and healing and that is what I will do.  I will go and get more of the things I need for my future cafe, fine second hand wear and spiritual classes for women.  Today I will focus on the good that is in my life here and now.

So whatever you are feeling about tomorrow or the day after, stay in a place of faith.  Don't allow anyone that you must interact with let you feel less than what you are, God's child.  As I work on my own spirit and not allowing others to put me down I know that it can be done and that we can all do it.  We work with people who may not be loving but we must know who we are and be pleasing only to Source, the one entity that matters.


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