Weekend Plan

This weekend will be one that is s little more special than others.  My daughters are coming over each with a friend and my home will be filled with the loving goddess energy I thrive on.  This weekend will be a weekend of love, compassion, joy and maybe even a tear or two might be shed.  The weekend plan is to live in a way that brings joy to me and to my daughters and their friends whom I am like a dad to at times.  I feel overjoyed and honored to be that person to them, someone who they love and who I love even more.  It is basically a weekend of fun and laughter and some intimate sharing as is usual with my children and their very special friends.

Having a weekend plan is nice for a change.  I sometimes search for things to do on weekends but this time I am going to have plenty to do.  There will be lovely meals, games, movies and some heart centered talks.  I feel like we are a special group of people because unlike many people I have children who are not afraid to show thier feelings and to demonstrate love to me and to their friends.  They take the time to be together planning the entire weekend and what I know is that they will make it special.

This weekend will be one I will remember for many months or even for years.  I will remember the kindness that will be shared.  I will remember the jokes that will be told.  I will remember the sentimental moments.  I will also remember the meals we share that we will make together.  This weekend will be lit up with candles and music and dance.  This weekend we will meditate and even do some yoga.  There will be some plans and there will be organic moments where we just are.  We are who we are and we simply allow ourselves to flow with it.  The energy will be beautiful.  The love will be abundant and our spirits will soar.  God will be present.  Goddess energy will prevail.

I hope everyone will have a great weekend.  I want everyone to have a weekend that is filled with doing things that they love with people they love, making the very best of their life.  I want the rest of the world to make this weekend special and leave their jobs behind them, not thinking about work but rather about how to have more happiness.  Make this weekend the most special one possible by creating an intimate time with those you love or giving to others by spending time serving others and sharing our gifts.

Plan your weekend and make it happen.  Plan the next weekend and fill it up with things that are meaningful with family or friends.  That is what weekends are for.  Don't do anything that is not fun or enjoyable.  We don't need a lot of money to enjoy our lives.  We don't need a certain kind of car or a big house to enjoy our life with people we care about.  Take the time to release and to think about things that will propel you forward along with others.  Think about doing someting for someone else and sharing your feelings.

So ofen we spend our weekends worrying about what is coming up on Monday at work or how tedious our job is.  We end up not enjoying the weekend because we spend out thoughts on things that are not worthwhile or that literally worry us and steal our happiness.  Take life by the throat and live fearlessly for three days of the week.  Everyone needs to releave themselves from the stresses of life. Weekends are our time and our moment to cease.  Moments we cannot get back when we waste them worrying.

What will you do to enjoy this weekend?  Who will you spend your time with?  What are all the wonderful things you could do that you would enjoy and would help you to believe in living fully and living in your integrity.

My own personal battle with cancer has forced me to look at how I send my time.  I hope you will look at how you spend your time this weekend and every weekend of your life.


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