5 Reasons Not to Get Married

I bet most of you feel like you would like to be married and my contention is that the reason is that you don't realize how taxing marriage is.  Marriage seems like a beautiful way to live our lives with someone who is perfect for us and that we cook for and go on vacations with.  The illusion is that being married is fun and that it is the only way to live life fully or feel like your life is full.  It is like a myth that marriage is the only way to live our lives but there are some truly negative things about marriage that we don't talk about.  I myself found out from my girlfriend who won't marry her partner will not because he is a financial disaster and she does not want to inheret that dept.  that reason alone is worth not getting married.  In fact there are many women who can tell a story about how the tax man has come to them to collect their X husband's debt to the government, dead or alive because it is easier to find her than to find him.  Without any more hesitation here are some good reasons why not to get married.
1.  You inheret the other person's debt:
You inheret your spouse's debts.  Once you marry someone who owes money you become legally responsible for his or her debts, especially if they die on you.  Now you will be the one the debtors will come after because you marriend this person.  In most states his or her debt becomes yours.  Think about it before you marry that person who is in debt.  You may want to live as a couple and not get legally married.

2.  You have to share time and stuff:
Start thinking about what it will be like to share a bed and a lot of other things with someone else.  I personally found sharing a bed an issue with someone who snored and did nothing to correct the issue.  Sharing a bed alone is enough reason for pause but let's not stop there.  Some people will share your towel by using it before you do or wearing your socks.  Some of the things you will be sharing with the other person may be things you don't ever want to share yet that person will take the liberty of using them.  When we are single we don't have to share our time and when we are not we end up sharing a lot of our time with someone else.  Although there may not be anything wrong with sharing for some of us it is a drastic and serious change, one we may not like, especially if we have been alone for a long time.  I recall one story a woman shared with me about wanting to stay single because every man she'd been married to got sick on her and she had to nurture him until he died.  It seems that this woman had a very good reason not to get married again.

3.  You have to answer to someone:
It may seem outright impossible that we would have to answer to anyone but in many marriages we do.  Whether we like it or not now we have someone that we feel obligated to answer to.  It could be the questions that they have (that can be annoying) to the inquiries about what you did during the work day.  Now we must talk about things we may not want to be bothered with.  Now we have to turn the lamp light off when we want to read because ou partner wants to sleep and the light is bothering him or her.  Now we have to eat at a certain time because our partner is hungry.  Now we have to play certain kinds of music because our spouse does not like this artist or those lyrics.  Marriage is a sure way to place us in a position of answering to someone.

4.  You fight about Equity:
One of the most serious issues in relaionship is this issue of equity.  Usually the woman is complaining about who little her husband does in the way of housework and how he throws his underwear on the floor for her to pick it up.  The issue of equity is an issue in marriages that sometimes never goes away.  It is a constant battle around who does what and why.  It takes couples straight to a counselor or therapist and many times never gets resolved.

5.  The tax man will come after you:
If your spouse owes taxes and you have done a joint return, which is usual, the tax man will come after you for any and all tax debts of your spouse.  What your spouse owes the "tax man" is what you will owe.  All the more reason not to get married.

Please don't send  me hate mail if you're happily married and your husbad or wife is not in debt and the tax man is not after you.  All I am saying is Marriage is not for everyone and there are some good arguments for not being married.  In fact you may even be more successful after you are divorced.  In fact this has happened before.


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