Getting More of What You Want

The best reason not to focus on something in specific is simple: not wanting or creating or getting more of it.  The other reason is so that you are not promoting that which you don't believe in.  Unfortunately, when we focus on something and it is not what we want to create more of we should simply not talk about it.  Oprah learned many years ago not to focus on for example: "White Supremacist" because in focusing on them and doing shows about them she was creating a venue for them and manifesting more of that kind of negative energy.  That is when she decided not to do any more shows about negative people doing and advocating negative things that she did not believe in and want more of in the world.  She decided that the shows that she did had to mean something and help someone or a group over creating high ratings.

Shows like Jerry Springer are the very kind of shows that Oprah and I disagree with having more of.  In fact for me it seems so futile to have people fighting and swearing on TV, accusing each other of infidelity and unveiling things about themselves that could hurt them down the road.  Yet Shows like this not only are doing well, they are flourishing.  Shows where people accuse women of lying about who the father of their child is.  Shows where neighbors accuse each other of being "peeping Toms" or killing their dog.  Shows that relive the killing of a person or the kidnapping of a person.  Even the rape of a woman and the sexual molesting of children.  We are bombarded with a series of shows on TV that focus of negative things and in essence create more of it in the world.  The energy of it is what makes me worried.

Even the commercials talk about suing your insurance company, your doctor or another human being, even a relative. Nothing is sacred and these commercials thrive in instilling fear.  The fear of losing your home, the fear of not having the best insurance when you die, the fear of not having the healthiest teeth or the whitest ones.  The fear of gaining too much weight and the fear of cancer.  Commercials are often times fear based.  As long as we can keep people afraid of what will happen next we can get them to buy certain things that they don't usually need.  If we can instill fear and insecurity in people via commercials then we can keep them entangled in the mess that makes them believe they need a certain type of car or perfume.

The reason why we don't want to focus on that is this: We will create more of it.  The things we don't want more of we should simply take off our list of things we do or even view.  What we must know is that when we watch things that are disturbing we become disturbed, at least a little bit.  Maybe not a little bit, maybe a lot!  When we focus on what we want more of then we will get more of it.  If we tune out the negative things we participate in or look at we become more whole and positive and create more greatness in our life.  This does not mean ignore hunger or rape.  It just means that we don't need to focus on it to make a difference.  We are creatures of habit and we do more of what we see than we think Base things have more impact on our unconscious mind than we could ever imagine.  Like Maya Angelou would say: "When we know better we do better".  To know that watching negative TV, films and other media that is negative is harmful is to save our lives for more joyful experiences.

We are going to be exposed to clouds and darkness.  We cannot completely avoid it, this is the truth.  And at the same time we don't have to create more of it or purposely participate in more of it.  Like many spiritual leaders I would like to see more marches in Washington about peace and unity rather than the anti war ones.  Why?  Because in this way we will create more of what we want and war is not what we want more of.


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