Hating: The Reasons Not To

I have always loved the saying "Hate is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die".  There is likely nothing more true than that statement and believe me when I tell you I have had my share of people I want to hate.  The fact is that they did things to me that were wrong but the truth is that wasting that  kind of energy on people who wrong you is  venom.  I won't ever soon forget the letter I received in an email from someone who will remain nameless.  This email detailed all of the secrets I had told someone else about my life and she used it to belittle me and insult me in a way that I have never ever been.  I had to send the email to several people including my therapist just to make sure that I was not the only person that thought it inappropriate and down right venom.  Even in the therapy session when my friend was confronted and told her intentions were malicious this person would not admit that they were.  It was a classic case of someone who liked triangulating everyone around him and it included me.  Once given every secret about my life: abandonment, physical abuse, suicide by a family member, he turned around and told someone who he knew disliked me and she vomited every detail back at me almost ferbattem.  To say that I felt hate for this witch of a person is a nice way of putting it.  What I really think of her really has no words or at least at the time.  To take what someone tells you in confidence and to then using that information to insult someone is simply the lowest of the lowest in my best observation.  I had always sensed that she was very jealous of me and so it served her to insult me with information she had received in some form of confidence.  This was not me evaluating her but a clinical therapist who said it.  It was unbelievable but true and to her I say: The hate that you  tried to put off on me was really you reflecting that venom you have for yourself and others in your life.  That same week my understanding was that she wrote a letter to her father that was insulting as well.  He himself said to me 'join the club: and warned his own girlfriend of his daughters tongue.  I rest my case.

Having shared this initial story with all of you I have healed many times over.  I know that people like that are angry and are missing something important in their life: love.  I know that hate does not come from love and that therefor it is an illusion.  It is not who we are and it is not natural for us.  In fact is is harmful because:

Hating Exerts Energy:
Hating takes a lot of energy and it wastes a lot of energy.  Hating takes time and effort that is not worth it and it creates an energy in your life that you pay for in dividends down the road.  Some may not believe in karma but I beg to differ.  I think that this hatred comes back to bite us all, no matter who you are and no matter how important you think you are.  Even if you are an atheist and even if you don't believe in the law of attraction.  It's gonna come back to you.  Hating is not worth the energy you put into it so just decide to stop hating.  Shred the pictures, cut the clothing, burn the past and move on.  Hate expels energy that we don't have enough of and that there will never he enough of.

Hating is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die:
It really is!  Hate is veninous an it will even make you sick.  It is like drinking a bottle of poison and expecting the other person you hate on to die.  Hating on others will make you so sick you would not believe it.  It can cause cancer or even a heart attack.  Thinking about hating someone is a sure way to make your life miserable.  Don't bother.  They will get their due and you don't have to do anything or say anything.  Don't poison your spirit and your soul with hate.  It is so dark and so toxic.  Just don't think about him or her again, ever.  If anything send them hope of \light ad joy and if you cannot do that then simply release them and release yourself from that toxic energy and that poison that will eventually kill you.

Hate begets more hate:
Hate just begets more of it.  There is no other thing that can happen as a chain reaction to hate.  It just brings more hate and it elicits more of it.  The person who is hating on you is doing perfectly fine.  In fact my haters are dancing and singing and talking about others like dogs.  My haters knew they were better than me but I know better.  They were and usually are insecure people with small minds.  Hate begets hate and  them back will once again make you relive it and get ill from it.  Again it is not worth it.
Hate Makes us miserable:
Hate makes us upset.  It can only get us upset.  There is no other results.  Hate makes us miserable and incomplete.  It renders us helpless and unable to function properly.  Hate will keep us in the darkness where the haters want us.  Hate is miserable because it comes from a demonic place.  Hate will help us to burn like we are in our own little form of hell.  Hate makes us very very miserable and unhappy and why would we want that for us and those around us?

Hate is an illusion, there is only Love:
Hate is not real.  It is that simple.  Hate does not really exist as a truth.  Love is the truth of who we are.  Hate is an illusion.  It is not real because if it were we would have all been born with hate.  Hate is a developed illusion and a concept in our head  is not real.  The best reason not to hate is that it is not reality.  Love the people you think your enemies.  Love the people who you think hate you .  Hate is like a little trick the mind plays on you.  Hate comes from the depths of darkness.  Put the light on and see that hate disappears.


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