Love Your Way Alone and Happy

It was not my plan to become ill and end up alone and feeling abandoned.  Although it might be legitimate to feel alone, lonely and abandoned it is not in our highest good to dwell on it or to believe that we deserved it or that we don't deserve being happy.  The facts are very different from the truth and the facts are different from faith.

Love your way is loving yourself even when there is no one there to love you or when there is but that person is absent emotionally and spiritually.  We have to learn that loving our self is enough on our own doing and saying things that are loving and kind to ourselves.  When we love us we say yes to who we are without anyone else in our life and we do things that are loving like buy some flowers or take ourselves out to dinner.  Love our way starts with our self and the prizing and kindness we give our self every day.

Love is gratitude for what we have and although we may feel lost and disconnected that is not the truth of who we are.  We must know that when we focus on what we have of good we will get more to it and if we focus on what we don't have we will multiply that as well.  We must make that decision to birth what we want in our life and be grateful for what we have starting with the fact that we get up in the morning and we are breathing.  Love your way when you are along comes when you believe that what you have in your life is enough and that what you have are gifts.

Loving yourself your way means that you do things that promote self love and hope.  You meditate, you do yoga, you exercise and you go out to a movie alone.  You take a vacation alone and you feel like you are enough.  You don't need someone to complete you or some additional material thing to make you feel happy or loved.  Who you are is enough and you don't have to have anyone tell you that.  You are in the moment and you show up for yourself every day.

Today and every day we must know that we can find love alone and that this love could be a love that occurs our way.  We can love our self and be happy with being in our skin and alone.  When we have that priority of loving ourselves when and if we get in a relationship we are already knowing what fills us up and we don't settle for anything else.  We are loved our way because anyone we meet knows how much we think of ourselves and how much we care about ourselves that they are simply an addition to that way of life we have already been living.

Love your way alone and happy is not just possible it must be a given, a natural and beautiful gift you give yourself every day in every way.  Waiting for someone to give it to you is a journey to a destination that you might never arrive at.  It is like waiting to be with someone or waiting for someone to love you that never arrives at your door. You have to love yourself first and then you will attract a person who loves them self and is capable of loving you.  A loving person who will love you your way as an additional caveat and will bring more of what you already have.  You won't need it your will simply receive it.

Love is not something we just feel grateful for getting as if it were a crumb of bread.  Love is full and rich and abundant and free.  There is not a shortage of love but rather a shortage of feelings of love that we impose on our self and others.  Love is everywhere around you and in everything that you do.  Love is a creative and loving force that is ever present in you and in others.  Love is complete and valuable when we are with others or alone.  Love is everywhere you look and everywhere you are.  Love is natural and organic.  Love is as you see it, light filled and magical.  Love is you.


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