10 Realities of Life Or ...

These past few days  have been listening to more music and some of it meditative.  It has healed me bit by bit and I know it.  I tend to try to drown out the world and my own issues with television.  I end up going to bed with my iPad as a TV and watching 20/20.  I have come a long way because I no loner watch real crime shows like "Behind Mansion Walls" about rich people whose kids or them kill one another for money, to inheret wealth or out of shear madness or jealousy.  I truly think their needs to be a button for kids to censor what their parents should watch because frankly some of the programs we watch effect our children in the way of our energy which is what I would like to talk about tonight.  I think this blog is going to have two parts like some of the others.

This blog is based a lot on a documantary called "I Am" about a director who was very successful and very wealthy, a kind of hippy guy who was and is rather cool looking.  One day he fell off his bike and suffered a severe head injury and this spiraled into him deciding that he had to figure somethig else for himself and that all the material wealth meant nothing much to him and in fact it did not make him any happier.  Today he lives in a trailer park community and rides his bike to the university where he teaches.  He left all his mansions and wealth behind him and sold just about everything.  He also healed himself through a spiritual quest second to none.  I want to recommend that each of you consider watching this incredible documentary because I think it has changed my life even if for today in a drastic kind of small scale way.  I am Elliott and I am part of you and everything in the world.  That is what I learned.  Here is the countdown of the ten things I will call "the realities and truths of life".  When we know the truth we are set free spiritually and mentally.  We are more whole when we know the truth.

10.  The Truth is Love:

The truth about us is that we are love and we were born of love and that as the movie indicated, "it's in our DNA".  That is so very very true when  you think that you were born innocent and in a place of love.  Almost always a healthy baby and even one that is not will smile when kissed or hugged or held or spoken to in a loving tone with love language.  We are love and that fact that we were born that way proves it.  The other part that proves that is that we have a heart and this is the source of life and of love, BOTH.  It is unbelievable what our heart does for our body.  Without that heart we cannot live nor can we love.  Not even ourselves.  But this is not about you or me, it is about a universal connection between everyone and everything and every animal and plant.  This includes other people of course but also fish, birds and all other species.  There is a love connection between us and them and animals act in very similar ways to show us how to behave with love if we pay attention.  Like the birds flocking together to fly south and the geese running down the stream together.  We were born to love each other and love is the only truth.  When we know it best is when we are in anger and hate.  That feels unnatural and odd because it is.  It is not natural to be in hate.  In fact it is insane and not good for us.  Love is the truth and the primary reality of life.

9. We are all Interconnected:

We live in a world with a lot of people, animals and plants and energy.  We don't live in a world isolated from everyone else unless we select to do that.  The natural thing is that we live among each other and most of us like it that way.   That is because we need each other and we are interconnected whether we admit that truth about life or not.  We belong together.  We are not seperate from the child who is starving or has cancer or the homeless man on the street.  We are all connected.  We are here together as a group for good reason and that is to serve each other so we must be connected.

8. We are Here to Serve:

We are in this life to serve and be of service.  The sooner we get that truth about life the better.  We like to play individually and compete and sometimes that can be fun but if we did that all the time or often we become disconnected and we don't serve those in need of being served and nurtured and loved.  We don't have to be told to take care of our baby we just do, we serve him or her because we are here to do that for them until they can do it.  Of course not everyone follows that law but most of us do.  Even if we don't follow that truth it does not mean it's not very true.  We are here to help each other out.


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