5 Ways to More Joy

I never pretend to be the guru of anything although some tell me I am.  I remember standing up in front of a group of women at a workshop I hosted and stating: "I am working at becoming a spiritual leader" and oen of the women in the group raised her hand and said: "You already are".  It was at that very moment that God said "Elliott, you have something to say and you have a mission".  I then decided to embrace that statement of hers and embrace the spiritual man that I am, my potential to be a spiritual leader.  With that being said I would like to share what I deem the five paths to more joy and they are:

1. Believe that everythinng you do matters:

It sounds so easy to know that everything you do matters yet it is imperitive that we understand and believe that everythig we do matters and means something.  We often do the opposite and minimize what we do.  We go to work each day or we go to class and do all the work, go home, brush our teeth and go to bed.  We forget to find meaning in what we did all day.  We worked and that means something.  We went to school and did our best and that means something of importance.  We helped our little sister put on her coat and that means something.  Everything we do means something.  We minimize what we do day in and day out and instead of knowing how valuable what we do is we skip over it and give it not a second thought.  Joy comes from knowing that everything we particpate in that is of value matters and who we are matters.

2. Believe that You Matter:

Be in a place of knowing that you matter.  How you feel matters.  How you are treated matters.  Your health matters.  Eating the right foods matters.  You matter because you are important in the scheme of life and what you do is valuable to someone and to the universe.  Be joyful in knowing that you matter and that you were created unique because no one is like you and hence you are special.  You matter and what you say matters.  Everything that comes out of you matters so you matter.  People love you so you matter.  The people you help appreicate you so therefor you truly matter.  Joy comes from knowing that you are one in a million and that you are beautiful and therefor you matter.  Your contributions to the world matter so you matter.  You are important because you are alive and able to do things that mean something like help a elder place her groceries inside her car.  You matter because every day that you are alive is a message that you matter and that you are here because you have a role that matters.  Believe that you matter, because you do.

3. Be of Service:

Joy surely comes from serving others.  It does not mean we don't serve ourselves.  In fact there are instances when we must serve ourselves first in order to be of service to others.  Be of service to those who are asking to be served and need to be served and you will find your center of joy.  By helping others you are serving and you are sharing your abundance with joy and happiness.  Happiness comes to those who serve.  Joy comes to those who serve themselves with an oxogen mask in order to be well enough to place it on their child.  Joy comes to those who create a sculpture and then teach others how to mold clay.  Serice is joy and joy serves us over and over in our life.  We cannot stay in our joy without serving others.  If we sit at home and feel badly for ourselves day after day it will not serve us as well as going out and sharing ourselves with people who are out in the world that need us.  Joy is serving and it is even OK to start with yourself.

4. Believe have Faith:

You can decide to be in the darkness or you can know that there is a path to something better, something lighter.  Believe, have faith.  Ask yourself why you are feeling the way you are feeling and often times you will reveal that it is because you lack faith in yourself or others or source.  Happiness happens to those who believe, those who have real faith.  Believe and you will conceiive what it is you want in life.  Have a little faith and keep a smile on your face.  Believe that you will be your highest potential.  Believe in mankind.  Believe that things change and can become better and more light filled.  Joy comes from faith, faith comes forth with joy.  Laugh and keep believing that what is coming next is going to be bigger and better than you think.


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