My Health Opportunity

Every day I am reminded in some way of my health opportunity and at the same time my wonderful life.  It may be that I am challenged every day yet there is something inside of me that makes me want to live more fully every day.  I keep doing what I would normally do and live as normal a life as possible.  Every day that I get up I try to be as thankful as possible for what I can do and for being alive.  My life is a series of ups and downs but what I know is that everyone's life is up and down.  No one has a perfect life and no one has a guarantee stamped on them.  I have learned to do the best I can with what I have and to be thankful for what is going right in my life.  It may be that there is a pain here and an ache there but I manage to find the strength to ignore it and move on.  I look to the left and then to the right and I see what is right in my life.  The sun is shining, there is food in my fridge and there is love in my life.  There may be a health opportunity I must fight with at times but Source is loving me to life and I live it one moment at a time and sometimes seconds at a time.  All that I know is that if I get to the next step that I will get to the next one and then the next and that I can only do my best.

My health opportunity sometimes hurts certain parts of my body.  I am not the physical person I was before but I am the spiritual person I have always been and maybe for the better.  I feel the pain and then I fill up a tub of warm water, turn on Netflix on my iPad and soak for a little while until I feel better.  I take my mediation and I trust that it will do what I need at the time I need it.  I trust in God that he will guide me and allow me to continue to live a happy life if not happy enough and some days I will take happy enough over unhappy and resentful.  Every day Spirit guides me and I do my best to follow it.  I may not be completely healthy but I am not completely unhealthy.  I may not have every part of me perfect but the parts that matter are wonderfully functioning.  As long as I can love myself and care for myself enough I will live another day, maybe a few more years, maybe a long time.  As long as I have faith I will be able to sleep well, eat well and love with some passion in my soul.

My health opportunity is called "cancer".  I sometimes wonder what that word really means and what it means for me but as long as I am able I will simply refuse to allow this fact to be my truth.  As long as I talk about it I can continue to pursue my own healing and as long as I am walking I can hold the hope for better days.  My health opportunity is a chance for me to evlauate my life and how I spend my time.  It places a star next to the things that need to be and a check mark next to the things that don't need to be rushed.  Each day I select the life things that are star issues and the ones that are just something to take a note of by putting a little check mark next to it.  This includes the people in my life who get immediate attention and those who can wait.  The ones who are there for me and the ones that are not.  Where to place my emphasis and energy and where to not expend it.  Today my health chance dictates what I will do and not do.

My health opportunity has asked me to set my priorities and how I spend my time.  It has helped me to see what to valu and what to see as a passing situation.  What to place my work into and what not to waste my energy with.  I am doing more of what serves me now than in the past including sharing my feelings with a truth that has never been so pure and so much a truth.  I continue to see cancer as a fact but not my truth.  I see this illness as a fact that was relayed to me but not as my truth and the more the truth prevails the better my body, mind and soul feel.  the truth is what sets us free and it is surely what sets me free.  I absolutely must believe in the truth because if I were to live in the medical facts only I would not be in my truth and aligned with God's experience for me.  I am having God's experience because I have decided that having faith is living and loving me.

My health opportunity is in some ways just a matter of fact because the truth is that God has my back and I am still here. Every day that I am here I know I am meant to be here.  Every day that I am here is s gift for me and for others around me.  Each day I am alive is a new day and today is my new day. I have this day only to do as I wish with it.  I can worry and turn it into a pity party or I can love myself enough to thank God I am alive and make the very best of it.  The latter is my intention.
elliott collazo gonzalez


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