FB Scare

Tonight I just need to put it out there that I almost got back on FB after being off it for over a year now.  I remember the reasons I deleted my account as if it were just yesterday:
1. People use FB to insult each other and stand on soap boxes
2. There have been serious consequences due to postings by some people on FB
3. It is not intimate and in fact to me avoids intimacy with others
4. People post the most outrageous to the dumbest shit
5. People know your business and before long nothing seems private
6. It can be dangerous to post pictures of your vacaations, your children and all this personal stuff.
7. There was no business benefit for me at all.
8. Who knows where your pictures go and how they are used and stolen from your page.
9. It is a social media where people rant and rave a lot.
10. It is usually boriing and a huge waste of time and energy.

Now I know why I stopped myself at that last step just before typing in the last pieces of information.  I thank God and Me that I did not do it.  I really don't want my information out there and there is no guarantee that it would not be, even if I select the private setting.

I like being FaceLess rather than Facebooked.  It just feels more my style not to have my shit out there for everyone to see.

For those of you who love FB don't get upset with me.  If it works for you, great.  I like my life private.  Enough said.  I had to say it.
Elliott Collazo


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