4 Things I Learned From Grandma

There are so many things I am thankful for and one of them is having a grandmothere who was very involved in my life.  I learned four things from her:

1.  No one is better than you and you are not better than anyone else: I loved this although at first confusing.  I finally got it one day and it was like a revelation.  I was as good as anyone else, not better or worse.  It gave me a feeling of freedom an it made me understand for the rest of my life that we are equal in this place we call earth.  When I think myself so smart and so much more educated than my siblings I pause and understand that I may have degrees but it does not make me any more intelligent than the people who don't.  I use this lesson to stay real and not attempt to be something I am not.

2. Lies always catch up to you: Boy was that true.  She would say that the reason was because after a while one forgets what story one told to whom.  Lies just led to more lies to cover up the lies prior to those she would share.  Lying never pays off and in the end you forget what you lied about and the truth will come out, hence the lies catch up to you.

3. People drown inside a glass of water: My very favorite was this saying of hers.  At first I would seriously need to think about what the heck she meant by this but once I got it I was floored and understood this to be true.  I also thought that I would not be a person who would drown in a glass of water and in fact escaped drowning on two occassions in my life.  This saying just meant that some people cannot handle the smallest of issues in life.  They allow these tiny things to bother them or render them defeated.  They make a bigger deal out of things and they drown emotionally.  That lesson served me and continues to serve me.  It also reminds me not to sweat the small stuff as one well known author wrote.  My experience is that Source and life brings you stuff to deal with and some of it is not worth putting too much time and anquish into.  Don't drown in a glass of water.  First of all it's not possible and second of all it is if you think it so.

4. Don't let what others think of you bother you: As a little boy I remember other little boys thinking of me as a "sissy" and veralizing it.  I was bullied for a time in my life and kids picked up on my being gay.  Even adults use to look at me wierd when I would speak as if to be confused, some made comments like "You're not a girl".  I would always remember what my grandmother said to me and not personalize it or let it bother me.  It hurt me at times but I learned to not allow what others thought of me to pester me to the degree where it stopped my show.  I continued to be who I was and what I knonw today is that people will talk and they will say many things whether they are true or not, sometimes cruel things.  I learned not to take it personal and not to let it bother me.  If I had I would not be here today.


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