Love Is The Key

Love is the key.  The other day I was watching one of my Netflix spiritually based documentaries and in it over and over love it mentioned and for good reason.  Love is the key, truly the key to it all.  Love is the key to healing. Love is the key to peace, forgiveness, compassion, sharing and all that is good on this earth.  If we put love first we simply cannot go wrong.  Love heals us, love makes us a better human being.  Love gives us the compassion we need to heal ourselves and others.  Love has been the source of miracles and miraculous happenings.

Love healed me from the pain that I felt when my sister committed suicide at the age of 22.  Love healed me when my great grandmother died.  Love healed me when my marriage ended 31 years ago.  Love healed me when I was let go of a job I spent nine years working hard at bccause someone else wanted my job.  Love healed me when I had to end a five year relatonship with a person who I felt did not love me.  Love healed me when I was bleeding and ended up in the hospital alone and longing for someone to love me and be with me.  Love healed me when I ran away from home at the age of 15 and emancipated myself from my own mother.  Love healed me when I forgave my mom and realized she did her best.  Love healed me when my daughter became angry at me for sharing what I thought about her child's education and school of choice.  Love healed me when the person who I loved the most walked out on me in spite of my physically delicate state.  Love has healed me over and over and over again.  That is how I know love heals me.

Love is the key and it is the key to healing and the key to living a life more fully.  Love can heal you as well.  In fact love is the only thing that can truly heal us for good and finally.  Love heals us from rejection and from being abandoned and abused.  I know a woman who was repeatedly molested by a member of her own family and she talks to this person and loves him today.  Love healed her!  Only love could heal that kind of violation.  Only love could get us to forgive that kind of awful situation that many women have been unable to heal.  Love healed my friend who had to divorce the father of her child because he was more into porn and prostitutes than his beautiful child.  Love healed the relationship between my other friend and her partner who at one time were literally striking each other physically and contemplating calling the police on each other.  Love healed them from their relationship issues.  Love can heal anything and I do mean anything!

How do we access that kind of healing love?  It is easy and can be done so gracefully that it is almost laughable.  We just have to say it over and over again and believe it.  Love heals!  Love heals!  Love heals!  Click your heals three times and think about Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz.  She is an example of what love and believing can manifest.  If you close your eyes and you say "Love will heal me and I believe" and you click your heals you might feel pretty silly, yet it works and has been working for many people over and over and over again for years and years.  Thinking ourselves into a loving place is a very common occurrence and has worked for many people.  Why has it to worked for you, you ask?  Because you don't believe in love.


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