Three Clues that Say Run

I think there are a number of reasons one should from the start evaluate the chances of a relationship working and whether to keep walking rather than stopping and getting involved with someone.  There are clues that lead us to understand if we should run or stay.

Here are some basic reasons to run:

He or She treats others poorly:

If you are out with someone on a dinner date and he or she treats the waiter poorly, that is one clue.  If form the beginning we witness someone mistreating others we can be assured that eventually they will be rude and mistreat you.  The degree of how poorly a person treats others is the degree to which they would treat you poorly.  We must look closely at how people treat others before we get involved.

He or She is Moody and Short tempered:

If from the start the person you are seeing is moody or short tempered or both that is a reason for pause.  People who are moody and impatient will likely be difficult to hold relationship with.  I was one of those kinds of men at one time and frankly it took a special lady to handle it and still be in relationship with me.  Moody people are usually people who are not happy much of the time and will bring unhappiness to your life.  Short tempered people are equally dark thinkers and act in a way that makes havng a relationshop with them very difficult.

The person doesn't get along with their mom or dad:

Many men and women are in conflict with their parent/s.  This makes for a person who is so damaged that this shows up in the relationship constantly.  This person is many times angry and when they are in a realtionship they are triggered easily and they displace that anger they still have for their mom or dad.  If their partner does something that feels like something their parent did to them then they react quickly.  Many times this person is short tempered.  When someone says that they dislike their parents and don't get along with them it is a good idea to think more about getting involved with this person or at least be concerned.


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