5 Ways to Identify a Loser

This will be short and sweet and easy because this is an easy subject for me.  I should not admit it but I have been with one loser after the other in some way.  Let me add that I am likely a loser to them as well so please don't take my word for it.  The last person I was with will likely have a lot of bad things to say about me and I consider myself quite the dramatic and complicated man.  Still I love me and I love people painfully.  I love my kids and my grandkids like the most of all ever, every day.  I don't love bad people but then again I could be one of them and none of you would know that.  Not that I consider myself a "loser".  I think I feel like a woman when I want so badly to identify the loser type that I think women should avoid.

1.  Avoid the Takers: 

If you see early on that this guy is not paying the bill or taking more than he gives run in the other direction fast.  If he does not pay the bill and actually has the nerve to ask you for half the bill on the first date or second when he asks you out to eat, run in the direction of the sunlight into the arms of someone who will treat you better and not be a taker right from jump street.  They are the ones who will ask to borrow a dollar on the second date or the one who lives with his mom and does not pay rent.  Avoid the takers because he is the one who lives with mommy and who drinks the last of the milk and does not buy any.  These guys are the ones that ask you to scratch their backs and never offer to rub your feet.  He is the guy that thinks it cute to ask you to scratch his head but won't fill the tub up for you or briing you a flower on the first date or the second or the third.  He is the one who very likely is unemployed and always "looking for a job but cannot seem to have any luck".  Run baby and I do mean run from that.

2. Avoid the Fowl Mouthed Guys: 

If a man uses profanity all the time or often around you this is a clue that he is not a respectful person and not the kind of man that you want to be with for a long term relationship.  Go ahead and fuck him if that is what you need but please don't marry him.  Profane men are going to usually be trouble down the road and will likely start swearing at you sooner than later.  I would like to say that the opposite quite types can be a red flag so be weary of either extreme.  The very prudish type or the loud curser.   This type of guy fits into the loser category for many reasons.

3. Stay away from the Perfectionist: 

Men who think themselves so put together and so perfect are likely the kind of man who will point our every flaw in you eventually.  Perfectionist are people who exaggerate being perfect in every area of their life.  He is too many times the one who we see in the movie "Sleeping with the Enemy".  He is a scary guy who has everything so perfectly placed that he will make you miserable in the end.  He is mostly that guy who thinks he is prettier than you and that is not a good sign.  Not all perfectionist are losers but it is a yellow flag to be in awareness about.  He is the one who thinks that being with him is a priviledge and is coupled with being a momma's boy.  Which leads me the next warning sign.

4. Avoid Mama's boys: 

There is a reason we call mama's boys mama's boys.  They are spoiled and were raised as if they were their mom's husband and not their child.  There are subtle forms of them but then their are the Norman Bates ones that I am sure their mom touched their penis while they peed in the toilet the first time.  She was the mom who did everything for him short of wiping his ass.  A mama's boy will not tell you they are one but they will go on and on about their mommy dearest.  She is usually the mother in law from hell.  Mama's boys are obvious in that they too are takers and give very little either outside or inside the bedroom.  They tend to play with their penis a little more than neccessary and use sex as a tool to control you or punish you.  Usually they are unhealthy and unhealed men who may even live with the mommy dearest future mother in law from hell.  You will be a slave to a mama's boy and will find yourself serving them day in and day out getting very little back from them.    If they say how wonderful and perfect their mom is and that she is the deal breaker, break away and run.  Very very fast!

5. Avoid Pigs: 

Usuaally these men live really poorly and their homes are a mess.  Be weary of a man who has a badly kept enviroment who does not honor their home.
More Later...


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