Fear and Life

Fear is the single most debilitating feeling one can ever have.  It is the reason that we get stuck in a relaitonship or a job.  It is the reason we won't try something new.  It is the reason we feel so dark inside.  It is sometimes that reason we become imobile.  Fear will keep us stuck and fear will keep us in the darkness.  Admitting we are in fear is key to coming up from it into a place where we are not only happy we are confident.  Fear based living is limting.  Fear based living will control you and others around you that love you.  Fear is what makes people do things that are far from their normal pattern of behavior and fear will run your life if you allow it.  Fear is when you don't live fully and you don't live in to your highest potential.

Fear has many forms and reasons.  We fear becoming financially destitute or we fear losing our youth and our mind.  We fear so many things that there are times when we are overhelmed by fear.  It cripples us and it finds us in the deepest parts of soul.  We can only illiminate fear by replacing it with love and by applying love to it.  When we are in fear we are losing the love more natural to our domian as human beings, what we were born with.  Only love can overcome fear and only love can heal fear.

Finding out where our fear originates can sometimes be helpful.  Noting that it comes from when we were young and innocent and is now meaningless and does not make any sense helps us to see the irrelevance of fear in our life.  It can no longer rule over us when we uncover how senseless it is.  That there isn't any reason to be afraid.  That your fear is illogical.  In fact your fear is completely unfounded most of the time.  When we see the origin of our fear we also learn that fear is an illusion and that love is natural.  The reason that love is natural is because we were born of love.  We did not know what fear was until we learned it and made it a part of our life.

I have had and continue to have my own battles with fear.  I have some good reasons or so I think to be in fear, starting with my health opportunity, being abandoned in the middel of becoming ill and not being sure where I will live eventually, not to mention the bilss that have piled up that the insurance would not cover.  But with all of that said I want to be clear in stating that I address the fears every day and tackle them down.  I myself see how senseless my fear is and how little productivity can come from it.  I can only turn my fear over and do my best to turn it into love.  I am especially saddened by the abandonment because it reenacts my childhood and the abandonment from my father.  Yet through all of it I must understand that fear is darkness based, fear is illogical and fear is useless to me and my family.  There was a time when that fear made it so dark for me that I thought life would end or that I myself might end it but now I know how delusional it is to be in fear and how helpless we are when we bind ourselves in fear.  Now I choose love and I say it every day at every moment as needed: "I choose love now".

We have all felt fear.  We have all been there.  We need to be OK with that fact and not deny it.  Once we have admitted we are in fear and that it is an illusion, that it's unfounded, we free ourselves to be in love and peace.  When we see that fear is abnormal and an abomination to life we can then let go of fear and live a life of fealessness.  A life that says yes to living, loving and laughing.
elliott collazo gonzalez


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