6 Great New Year Evolutions

Here are five wonderful New Year's Evolutions: Each one is in a category of their own such as: spiritual, financial, physical, emotional, personal and creative.  As you make your own evolutions think about each aspect of your life because each one is important.  

1. To become more complete and connected spiritually by practicing spiritual exercises.  Attending church services at least two Sundays a month for a year.  Practicing meditation twice a day three days a week for twenty minutes, for one year.
2. To commit to becoming financially responsible, not worry over money, give money a different meaning and save money when possible.  Saving 100.00 per paycheck for 12 months.
3. To eat healthy food and be healthier by working out and staying active.
4. To allow yourself your emotions and to share them with those you love, connecting emotionally and being emotionally present as often as possible. Ongoing
5. To take what others think of you and shelve it, not taking it personally.  Ongoing
6. To sew a beautiful dress for my granddaughter and select the fabric or color with her by...

As you can see after each evolution I am stating a more specific time line and duration.  It is important to do this because we can write things down in general terms and not realize the action steps because we don't have a time line.

Happy New Year!  Be Joyful on Your Journey of Evolving.


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