4 Reasons to End It

I have a lot of trouble ending relationships.  I stay in them for way to long and literally get so exhausted from it that I finally had to figure out a four step reasoning to end relationships that are not healthy.  There are four good reasons to end it and those are:

You are giving much more than you get:
When you are giving eighty percent and getting twenty percent that is  sure sign that you are spinning your wheels and that you need to end the relationship.  When you are constantly giving and not getting much back it is not an equitable situation and it needs to end.  Resentment will surely set in and in the end it is best to identify this shortage and move on.

You are being indirectly or directly abused or bullied:
When you are being abused in relationship it is time to call it quits whether it is subtle abuse or indirect verbal abuse or just bullying and manipulation.  The soft core abuser is the one that does not call you names but is always finding fault in you and pointing out what is wrong with you.  This is a person who is a bully and who often times sell themselves to everyone else as nice.  They appear wonderful but they are not.  They often times threaten to leave you and do so in order to gain control. A person who abuses you in any small or large capacity whether direct or not is not someone you want to be with the rest of your life.

You are often at odds and in disagreement:
Being in a relationship where there is more disagreements that not is a sign of a pretty bad situation you might want to exit out of.  Bad relationships are colored with disagreement and even competition.  When you are often at odds with each other this is a sign that you are not capadable.  Be in your honesty and be the person to say it out loud and admit that the relationship is filled with disagreement and competition.  Walk away while you are still breathing well.

You realize you love but you don't like the person your with:
When you know you don't like the person you are with you know there is a serious problem.  Not liking a personn's attitude, actions or way of being is a signal to a bad situation.  You can easily love someone after a while of being with them but liking them becomes even more crucial than loving them in the long run.  If you get up in the morning and you think that you love this person but dislike them and their behaviors it is another good sign that it needs to come to an end.  Not liking a person that you live with creates a certain energy that will make you sick eventually and that is not good for you to stay in.

As you think about why you are in a relationship with someone think about why you might be better off not being in it if things become disagreeable and hectic.  Those are signs that you don't belong in that relaionship with that person.  What are the four reasons why you are in the relationship your in?  That could also be a reason for pause and give you clarity of mind.  IF you cannot think of four good reasons for staying in a relationship then again it may be time to evaluate things and maybe get out of it.  Look for the signs early on because the longer you wait and deny the signs are there the more likely you will become miserably use to it and stay in a situation that is not good for you.  For me the four great reasons to stay in a  relationship are:
You are good friends and you like each other.
Each person feels like things are equatible.
You are loved and hoored in a similar way that you love and honor.
You have lots in common and you get along well without much arguments.


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