4 Life Agreements

The four loving agreements are ones that have helped me to live a more balanced and whole and happier in life.  These agreements should not be confused with The Four Agreements of the spiritual leader Don Miguel Ruiz who wrote a wonderful book on four life agreements that I sincerely feel everyone should read about and follow.  After a long life of sixty years of which I am grateful I have come up with my own four life agreements and these are them.  Keep Things in Prospective, Keep Moving,  Choose Love, Fake It Until...

These are my Four Life Agreements: 

Keep Things in Prospective 

Keep everything that happens to you in prospective.  Don't make it into more than it is.  See that there are others going through much deeper and worse situations including the public knowledge that there are many children who are dying of hunger.  Remember that it is your prospective that is going to help you to get though the rough spots, not making a bigger deal out of it than it is.  If you keep things in prospective you will eventually address the little things as though they are little things.  There are often time bigger things and keeping things in prospective will help you when you need to address what is much morre serious.  Even when it is serious like an incurable desease we can keep thing in prospective by not allowing the news to be our complete truth and by not wallowing in it.  

Keep Moving

Keep going and don't stop and lay down if at all possible.  Don't allow things that happen to you make you stop moving and stop doing.  Keep moving for the sake of keeping yourself healthy and whole, because a body in motion is going to be healthier and able to address life incidents with more ease and grace.  Keep moving even when you are in a some pain.  Don't let a little pain stop you from moving.  There are millions of people in the world who walk around in constant pain who have not given up on life.  If life throws some physical, emotional or spiritual pain and you keep on moving and doing you will find yourself able to do more than you imagine.  Agree with yourself that you will keep moving.  

Choose Love

Intentionally choose love every day of your life.  Agree that you will live your life in love and that you will always select love.  Love over hate, love over resentment, love over anger, and love over any other negative emotion.  As you move about each day and you run into situations that anger you or upset you or make you want revenge say to yourself: "I choose love".  Tell yourself you choose love as many times as you need to say i.  Agree to live your life chosing love and being in a zone of love.  use love to conteract hate, jealousy, addictions and rudeness. 

Fake It Until It Feels Natural 

If you get up and feel down fight it.  Fake it till you make it as they often say.  There is nothing wrong with gelling yourself you are happy, abundant and whole.  Say it like this: "I am happy, abundant and whole".  Say things to yourself like: "I am loving, kind and complete".  It may feel strange and even hypocritical to say things that are not yet true but the objective is to agree to feel some good feelings and to take yourself to your place of joy by saying things that are joy filled and that convince your subconcious mind that you are fine.  In fact you are more than fine, you are great. Agree to talk yourself into a place of feeling good whether you are feeling good or not.  Take your place in the arena of love and life and stay with yourself by carrying yourself about with a smile on your face.  Soon you will feel it inside and won't need to fake it anymore.  Make that loving agreement with yourself for yourself.  


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