Dark or Light? You Decide

It is so cloudy outside and there is a drizzle of rain coming down.  It isn't sunny outside but there is plenty of light in my home as is usual.  I am reiminded of winter and the days becoming darker sooner and this effects my prespective.  In order to counteract the darkness I think about the gift of light.  I recall the sermon by my pastor and I remember that the light can overwhelm and cure the darkness.  Light can and does often win if we decide that this is what will be and the will of Spirit.  We can take our light and shine it so brightly as to dull the darkness.

And so I will begin with lighting up the Christmas tree as soon as it gets dark inisde and outside.  It will be my symbol of my light, the one inside all of us, the one we are all capable of brining forth.  One of the ways that I get my light started inside of my spirit is to light some areas of my home.  I feel more connected to my surroundings in this way and more light filled inside.  As silly as it may seem creating a light filled space outside of me makes me feel more light inside of me.  I sometimes light several candle holders in my home in various parts of the home and it makes me feel good.  It represents a spiritual ligtht for me and I feel more at peace.  Creating your light in whatever manner is meaningful for you makes a difference in your mood.  It is light being represented in various ways that instill a feeling of light for each person in a different way.

Our minds are the source of light and darkness.  It is in the way we think that makes us feel feelings of light or feelings that are dark.  We are obviously responsible for bringing light to our mind by doing things and seeing things that are positive from the television shows we watch to the books we choose to read.  Making these experiences positive ones means that we choose carefully what we are exposed to.  No one can take our light if we are in a constant state of finding our light in new ways.  For some it is a book, writing, yoga or prayer on a consistant basis.  Whatever brings us light difers for each of us but what brings darkness quite frankly is easy to access in our world.  It seems to me that darknesss is more readily available and that we could make darkness happen in a moment without thinking about it much.  It is light that takes a little extra work and feels like more of a choice.  Listening to positive music, reading things that are of light, creating beautiful things with our hands and going to places where we are around soulful people: like church or a recreational place for fun.  Creating a light filled life is work and we must be willing to do the work.  It is ever too easy to fall into darkness and we must be careful to love ourselves enough to say no to the darkness.

There will always be times of darkness that is for sure.  Someone will die.  Someone will do things that make us sad.  People will be addicted and do horrible things.  Children will be kidnapped and women will be abused at the hands of men who say that they love them.  We will feel darkness in witnessing these things and even becoming victims of abuse or of a death of someone we love.  I think that being in the darkness is an OK place to be for as long as we need to be but I like to think that we don't need to be there for too long and certainly not most of our lives.  When my grandpa died it felt dark to me.  I felt sadness and did not want to do anything.  I cried and I stayed indoors avoiding any contact with others.  Yet I had to get up and out of that darkness and he himself would have wanted that for me.  I grieved the loss and then I started to see the light.  He lived a very long and beautiful life and so that brought light to my darkness.  He had a joke every time I saw him and that brought more light to the darkness for me.  His presence started to bring an awareness of becoming light and lettting go of the darkness, as I felt his presence in my home.  I then framed a picture of him and his wife and was able to look at it and smile.  What a handsome, generous man he was.  I was able to let go of the fact that his grave sight was sold on him and concentrate on his life and how happy he always was.

I say we would not know darkness if it were not for the light.  We would not know what light looks like had we not been in the dark.  The light looks so much more powerful when we have been in the dark.  Even if we don't want to stay in the dark it is sometimes hard to get out.  We must do this with intention.  We must intentionally bring light in by doing or saying something that will bring us light.  Although that is different for each of us we are all able to bring the light forward.  It is a choice and even in our darkest moments we are allowed to see the light and laugh.  We are given permission to poke a little fun at the darkness.  We are all able to see the light if we want to see it.


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