Physical and Mental Abuse

This morning the first subject on Windy City Live is about domestic violence.  This of course comes after the shooting a subsequent death of a woman who was working at Norstrom's and her former boyfriend came in and killed her, then shot himself.  The issue of domestic violence is so underestimated and many women don't report it.  They are afraid to place a protection order on the man who is abusing her out of fear or because he has threatened her and threats against her family.

No matter what abuse is not OK and usually the abuser is male and the abused is a female.  For this reason we as  men need to be a part of the solution.  We as males must protect our women from becoming and staying victims of abuse.  Interest to me was the notion that a man cannot help in centers where women are seeking refuge like shelters and in fact I was turned down when I tried to volunteer.  After filliing out the application it felt to me that because I was a male I was snubbed.  There is a part of me that understands it but women who I have worked with would disagree knowing fully that I am a man who is a female advocate and who has worked with women for a long time, yearas and years.   We are part of the solution and the truth is that if men are not involved then we are saying it is OK for women to continue to be treated like second class citizens and not only be abused physically but abused by being paid less than men.   Where does it end?

My own sister was an abused woman and she is now dead.  He did not kill her with his hand but rather with his psycho shit.  He would pick my sister up one day and then call her a whore the next.  In the midst of it she gets pregnant  and by the time he is seven she is dead from a self inflicted bullet to the head.  I am still of the opinion that the call she made to her abusive husband was a call where he may have been zapped too.  Fortunately for him he did not show up.  I know what some of you are thinking about me but in my own honesty I feel like he would have deserved it.  Ok I said it.  So many woemen are in jail because they shot and killed their abuser and I am of the belief that there is no reason for us to pack women in jail who have been threatned and the lives of their children as well.  It is not that simple and I know that.  I am not under the delusion that all women who have shot a man are saints but there are too many in jail who don't belong there.  Ok I said that out loud.  Did I say tat our loud?

Abuse is not acceptable but we are not doing anything proactive to put it to an end.  We are not talking to boys about how to treat girls and we are not building bridges between the sexes in school.  In fact we are still lining up boys on one side and girls on the other.  Why I ask?  Why are we still grouping boys together and girls together?  Whey are we still picking teams with all girls or all boys in them?  Why are we not talking about the fact that there are so many women being abused and killed in America and around the world?  That women in certain countries are being cut up like cattle and that girls who are born are being killed?  Why?  I know that this question is not an easy one but it is going to take an army of men and women to put it to a stop.  We cannot expect women to stop the abuse of women by men on their own.  We have to help!  Ok, I think I got my point across.

Abuse is as old as time and sadly enough it has been around for a thousand years.  I suspect some of you may have been victims of verbal or phyiscal abuse.  We are so often shamed by the abuse that we don't tell anyone about it.  To me it should suffice to say that I know how you feel and that abuse is not OK under any circumstances.
More to come...


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