Self Entitlement

It is shocking to me the amoung of self-entitled people there are on this earth.  Unfortunately I have had some of them in my life.  You know the type.  He or she is the one that believes that they don't need to get their hands dirty or that all things unpleasant are for others to do.  These are the ones that their mommy told them they were not only wonderful but superior to others and worse of all their mommy did everything for them.  They are usually lazy people, not to worry I won't mention his name.  Having dealt with my share of self-entitled folks I can speak to this subject in a personal way.

Self-entitled people want others to do things that they don't want or feel like doing because they are too lazy to do them.  Usually left to their own devices they live like a bit of a pig.  They need others to do things for them and they take advantage of others because they are sure that others are less than they are and have more  spare time to do the work.  When alone they let things pile up in their homes and fill their time up with busy work or staying busy all the time.  They will say "I don't have time to clean" and will work extra hours at a JOB in order to avoid doing houswork.

When we meet a person, any person we might want to or think we might get involved with we should look at the way they live first, right away, quickly and fast.  Usually if the person lives like a slob there are going to be issues and this person falls in the category of someone who thinks themself too important to do menial labor like cleaning their home.  I remember meeting someone and after a year seeing how they lived.  I was not shocked I was shocked beyond description.  Plaster on top of the dining table, cushions popping our of the dirty sofa and tiles inside the bathtub that started out on the walls.  Even the toilet was brown.  I wondered and asked about why it was that this person lived as he did and the response was "I don't know what you mean" and similar complete denials.  A poorly kept environment is a sign of a person who is self-entitled and maybe even confusing his or her priorities.  This person will not  magically change FYI, OMG, LMAO.

To this day I keep my home superbly clean and organized.  I don't feel like it is anyone esles job to clean my home and I respect it because it is where I spend a lot of time inside my home.  I love my home and have always loved my home.  If I had a housekeeper she would mention how easy it was to clean my home versus other's homes.  She could not believe how some people lived and when she saw how I attend to my home she was impressed.  I of course feel it normal.  Unlike others I have met I don't feel entitled and think that someone else, even a person I pay should be scraping gum off of the floor or cleaning around tiles inside a tub or a toilet that is brown.  I could only imgine how fast a housekeeper would run from those other situations.

My life is unique as is everyone elses life.  I find it amusing that even in my condition I can beat just about anyone at maintaining a home.  My thoughts are different about cleaning and keeping a tidy home.  My premisee is that it's only my responsibility to have a home that is clean and that I am no less than anyone else for being a tidy man.  I don't feel entitled to a home like the persons that keep them like shit, but rather feel honored to have a home.

As you look around your home I would like you to think about how to love it and honor it.  My series on home has a lot to do with my spiritual beliefs and my gratitude for home.  I find that people who keep their homes unclean are also people who lack gratitude and who don't value what they have because in many cases they have been given too much too easy.  They are the ones who go to work every day and believe that this is the automatic one thing that makes them important and that it is enough that they work.  I want to invite those people to look at their life as work because life is doing your part and not giving it to anyone esle to do for you, expecting them to pick up shit off the floor when it is rude and crude to expect that of anyone.  Today I want to send you all the energy  of loving your home and will also share what I am in my joy about:
I am in joy about living another day and waking up today
I am in joy for the comfortable sofa I am sitting on
I am in my joy about still being able to run errands and keep my home clean
I am in joy about breathing feely in spite of the exams that say I have cancer in my lungs
I am in my joy for being able to write and share my feelings, thoughts and experiences
Elliott Collazo


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