10 Realities of Life

7. We Feel Each Others Pain:

When you see someone get cut or if you have witnessed someone being killed or dye it is natural for us to feel it.  You feel it because you are connected to that person whether you know them or not.  This truth is because we have compassion in our DNA and in our makeup as humans.  We see a person bleeding and we react with compassion and love.  We even look away or cry when we witness it.  We feel each others pain and that is the truth.  It is because we are not individuals like we think.  We are not as independent as we think.  My friend who had a heart attack in the streets of Paris was ignored by a few people who assumed maybe she was drunk or homeless but one person stopped and looked closely at her.  She stated later that she saw the shoes she had on and knew she was not a homeless person and that something was terribly wrong.  She was right and because she could feel my friend she helped her to live and perhaps saved her life.  She was the person who did not keep walking.  We feel each other's situations and pains.  It is a part of who we are, a reality of life.

6. Wealth Won't Make You Happy:

The truth about life is that no matter how much money we have it is not going to make us happy.  Not matter how many Gucci shoes we have it's not going to make us happy.  We had to have been happy to begin with and we must be happy in spite of the wealth or the fancy cars.  Some of us worked all our life to have a pretty house and then the house burns down in front of us or we crash our car and end up in a wheel chair.  Nothing makes us different from anyone else,, not even the biggest house and the nicest car or suit or dress.  Wealth is nice but it does not get us happy.  "Money Can't Buy Me Love".  Remember that song from the Beatles.  It is awesome and an early preamble to the truth about life.  Money can't buy me love or happiness is what I say.  I have had a six digit income and I was no happier then than I am now.  In fact it is better now than it was before for me because now my focus is not on losing money or a six figure income JOB it is on my health and well being.

5. Collaboration is more Natural than Competition and Works better:

We think that it is natural to compete.  In fact oddly enough all the men I have been with were competitive about something.  One had a competition all the time even when we played racket ball or dominoes.  He could not loose because he was taught that losing made you a loser and that competition is natural.  In fact his brother did ot want him to work in the family business because of that kind of competitive thinking.  The eldest grandson worked in the family business and there was no room for the other two in part because he was so competitive.  But not one  person can point their finger at him and blame him.  He learned this from his mother and his school and in his all white community where losing was embarrassing and playing for fun was stupid.  Yet the truth is that we are suppose to be collaborative and cooperative not competitive.  When I wore a bow tie there were comments made and I was singled out because there was this underlying jealousy and fear of the unknown Latino man.  Why is he wearing a bow tie?  Is he trying to outdo us?  Is he being a bitch?  It was not appreciated and complemented it was put down after put down.  We were not born to throw venom at each other or hurt each other.  In fact we were born to be cooperative and the day we were born our mother cooperated with us by feeding us right from her breast in some cases.  It is natural to be cooperative and not natural to be competitive with those you love or with anyone.  In some societies cooperation is applauded while in the US we see it as kissing ass or being an ass kisser.  I hate to use those words but unfortunately that is the best way I can describe it.  In "I Am" I thought a lot about the school I went to for Spiritual Pyschology where I learned to take a sheet and in the middle draw a heart.  From the heart we were all asked to write I am and then add to the blank.  I had things like "I am a loving person" or I am joy and love".  I resonated so much with that truth.  It is natural to be colllaborative and unnatural to be so competitive about everything the way many of us are.  We want to win at every thing and be right about every thing.  It's so unhealthy and against the grain of who we really are.  The reality is that we are brought here to be cooperative not play against each other and try to keep all the nice things for ourselves.

4. A Body with Too Much of Everything is called cancer:

This is a quote from the movie.  to be continued...


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