4 Steps To Healing Anything 2

Believe you will heal.  That is the very first step to healing.  You must believe beyond the shadow of a doubt that you will heal.  Nothing is stronger than believing.  You cannot imagine the magical and strong influence faith has in the process of healing.  You just have to believe and it is that simple.  No matter what others say to you, believe you will heal.  Don't stop believing and you will see how your healing will begin.  

Take Action/Decide the Action Steps: 
Taking action is your second act of healing.  Doing everything that you can to make yourself healthy or whole whether it is emotional or spiritual or physical.  Whatever your illness is or your hurt is, you must decide what actions to take that are going to help you heal, collaborating with God to heal no matter what the situation.  Your action steps could be daily meditation or working out three days a week or seeing a therapist twice a month.  You must be a part of your healing, taking part in the solution..  Make a list of five or ten things you will do to heal yourself and to work with god to heal.  

Have an Affirmation: 
Have an affirmation that affirms your are healed and whole and use it every day at least three or our times a day.  This affirmation is stated in a way that makes it seem as though you have already arrived: 
I am healthy and whole with every breath I take and every cell of my body is working to perfection. 
An affirmation is stated in the positive.  It is your mantra and it is one that you say to convince your subconscious mind of it.  Once you do that your life will start to look more like a miracle and in truth will be your miracle.  Operating from this standpoint is operating from a place of faith and affirming your future.  

Make Time Each Day for Reverence: 
Make time every day for a quiet reverence.  Turn everything off in your home.  The TV, the stereo, the children, everything,  Make time for silent reverence.  Make time to think yourself into a place of peace and serenity.  Make that time because you need it and it will work to heal your body and spirit. Let the light in, imagining it is pouring through your head into your body, a healing light.  Pray if that is your thing to do.  Become completely silent and listen to the messages that you are receiving at that moment, messages of healing and messages of love and light.  Reverence means that you revere yourself and think highly of yourself and your future and your healing.  Take time each day to be silent and not use the outer stuff to distract yourself the way we often do but rather to the opposite.  

These are four steps to healing and you may be able to think of more.  What suits you suits you as a person because you are unique.  Think of the ways that you feel are healing to you whether it is laying on the floor and opening yourself to healing from above or going for a ride on your bike and being thankful that you are healthy enough to do that.  Your healing is yours alone and there are other ways to heal yourself and become a part of your healing energy.  Whatever you do make it something that you know is not an escape like TV or sex or drugs.  Make it about reverence and light.  As you go on your journey to healing do not forget to wish healing onto others around you.  That completes the cycle of healing.  Your healing and the healing of the world around you.  


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