It is Wacky Wednesday

Last night I got to bed later than usual.  My usual time is between nine and ten pm.  I read my niece in Ohio a story and also prayed wih her.  Still I got up at the usual time between nine and ten this morning.  Today I am calling it Wacky Wednesday because today is my sister's Wednesday visit when she brings her feast of meals and pampers me with a lot of sisterly love.  She usually comes with her husband who seems to enjoy coming by and even though I have to do plenty of clean up once they leave I love it and feel like it is worth the work left over when they leave.  I love having guests and it's part of receiving guests and loving them.  I wake up happier when they are coming over to spend time with me since the onset of my health opportunity.  It is that one day that I feel special because others are taking care of me.  Living alone is nice but once in a while having some company is good for the heart.

We all have special people in our lives that need us.  Some are ill and some are disabled in one way or the other.  Others are elderly and need a person to pick up some groceries for them or someone to talk to for an hour.  Wednesdays with my sister remind me how much people out there need a little compassion and many who need to be served and loved.  As we navigate our own life and I know that is hard enough let us conisider volunteering at a shelter or going to an elderly person's home and helping them out by taking the time to chat with them or buy them a small gift of food.  It is amazing to me how anyone has gotten through life without volunteering their services, talents or donating some of their money.  It is not a judgement but I know people who have a lot of money and have not had the generosity to give of their time or their money.  I think their is a saying about people parting with their money but I simply see these people as cheap with their feelings and cheap with their money and cheap with their time.  It is frankly astonishing to me.

On Wacky Wednesday my sister is tithing her time and her food for me.  She shares of her laughter and her joy with me.  She does not keep that all for herself and she has been known to be a giver.  For a long time she would pick one day a week and serve our mother and her mother in law a luncheon.  Her husband would pick them up and they would come by for a feast of a meal, love and attention.  We all know how much any human person deserves and needs attention.  My sister  not only comes here each Wednesday she is the type of person who feeds people if they are not feeling well and takes a meal to a friend at work.  She is a very busy person and she is extremely active yet she makes the time to visit me and to be with me in every sense of the word and deed.

I am wondering what it would be like for each of us to take one day a week and serve others.  I want to send that message out there to all of you and hope that it is well received.  I know that for me this is valuable and I don't expect it to be of value to all of you.  I can only hope that each of us understands how lucky we are and how we could be tithing our money, talent or time.  With all that said I want to wish you all a joyful holiday season and keep in mind there are those who are wondering if they will eat and if where they will live.  Let us all be in a place of abundance and giving what we can.  Happy Holidays!
elliott collazo gonzalez


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