Just Breathe

At ten thirty today I had a dental appointment.  I decided to get off on Lawence off of the 90 and instead of going east to Clark I took a wrong turn and went west.  I needed up almost an hour late to my appointment and was literally neurotic.  I rarely if ever arrive late to any appointment of any kind so this was a challenge for me.  To top it off my iPhone is an older model without the capacity to speak/it does not have Siri.  I could have looked up the route in mapquest but did not thinking I knew exactly where I was going.  Not.  On the way there I called when I thought I was going to be late and the woman who responded was not at all concerned about my lateness and told me to take my time.  It goes back to the thought that we often hear which is "just breathe".

What I forget a lot is that the outcome will be the same no matter how we react and become insane about something like being late.  In my case it did not make any difference and in fact I was called into the dental room sooner than at any other time I have been there.  My wait was shorter and I made it in plenty of time to get my filling.  So many times I worry about things that make absoultely no difference and will not change the outcome.  I get myself all strung out for no reason and in the end it is not worth the high blood pressure or the anguish one puts oneself through.

No matter how much we worry it does not change the outcome and this is something we could all use some help with.  Worry just adds stress to any situation and adds needless worry to any situation.  Being late is not going to make the world come to an end and in fact people are late all the time for reasons that they could not control like traffic or becoming ill.  As long as you are not a person who is always late, being late once in a while is not a big deal.

So today I learned a lesson once again that I cannot control everything and that stressing over being late is not aligned with my healthy life.  In fact worrying made it worse and in the midst of it I felt myself let out a scream.  I think that part did work, LOL.

We must understand that we cannot control everything.  There will always be those times when we simply need to breathe aand let go of the control button.  Just breathe everyone out there and you would be surprised how much it helps.


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