Home: A Sacred Space (continued)

Tonight my sister, her husband and her daughter came by to be withe me.  My sister has set most Wednesdays aside to be with me and brings food galore in tote.  Delicious food that is all home made including meat loaf, her own sauce, chicken and fresh mashed potatoes.  To top it off some green beans with pine nuts in a lovely balsamic like sauce.  I took advantage of the fact that her daughter was with them and she helped me to put up the white branch tree.  I decided on various aqua colored ornaments with touches of silver, birds and a beautiful French ribbon draped around it.  My sister said we turned a Charlie Brown tree into something beautiful and I must agree.  With the artisitc eye of my niece and my own love for decorating we created a treee like no other.  A tree for a sacred space placed right behind one of three sofas in the living area between it and the kitchen.  It is in a prominant spot where I spend most of my time and as I have in years past I sit in the dark and stare at this beautiful tree with white lights.  Everything and I do mean everything has meaning.  I love my home and I love it even more during the holidays.  It is an additional touch of great energy for my home to have a tree with gleaming lights and beautiful ribbon but more than anything it says that I care about this home and that it has meaning.  It takes care of me so I take special care of it.  The tree just adds a touch more of love to it.  The love I learned as a child from my wonderful grandparents who would do the same.

Home is a scared place and during the holidays it is so much fun to decorate it and make it look shiny and new.  Today I would like to talk about my granddaughter's room.  This room in my home was created just with them in mind and in order to make them feel special.  I placed two twin beds in the room with matching soft pink and white striped bedding and sheets with lace ends.  The shams match and then in front of each lace pillow is a square light blue decorator pillow.  In front of eaach bed at thre is not any headboard but there is a white shelf overhead and they are both decorated with Dr. Seuss Art framed in a white matted frame with their initial.  There names are on the wall with wood lettering and there are hooks on the wall that are the backs of dogs, their tails serving as hooks.  In the corner of the room is a vintage Aimes chair for children and a table with four modern chairs.  All in white.  At the end of one of the beds is a wood box with wheels for some toys to be handy.  The curtains are white as is the rod and they are gromet curtains easy to close and open.  For the holidays I hung their stockings off the shelf on each end with a reindeer stockng holder.  The main light in the room is an imitation of the artichoke lampe in plastic and it gives the room and truly fun look to it.  In teh closet is everythiing a kid dreams of like arts and crafts materials to puzzles and games.  It is all meant to honor my grandkids and their contribution to my life.  It is also meant to make them feel that this home belongs in part to them, even though there was a person in my life who thought otherwise (I won't mention her name).  All in all this room is meant to thrill any child and soon there will be a blue accent wall in it.  Nothing is left to chance as people who know me understand.  I want my granddaughters to feel great in their room and enjoy their beautiful artifacts as well as their Legos.  A child's room is an expression of who they are and since they are girls I purposely did the bedding in pink and frankly to let that one person know that it was their room whether she liked it or not.  But I digress.  All in all the room is meant to be beautiful and functional and eqipped with what kids need to have some fun.  In fact there will soon be a dry eraase wll where they can draw and erase right there on the wall.  I did not know about this till the other day when I went to Sherwyn Williams and the lady there told me about it.  The cooler a kid's room is the better I say, plus it makes me look like a hero.  LOL.

Our home is a sanctuary and like every other room a child's room is suppose to be a little safe sanctuary for them to enjoy.  Every room is meaningful and every room brings good energy to the complete home, even the children's room.  Find things  like letters to make them personalized and to make them feel like they have a personal space for themselves.  Bring in some objects that they love and especially things that they can build like Legos and puzzles.  Make sure there is art supplies for them to make things with and to color and create.  Use a wire installed on the wall to clip their art onto it like I did from Ikea.  This room is as important as all the other rooms in your home, perhaps even more important.

I recall doing a custom room for a child of a friend of mine some yeaers back.  The little girl was about seven but when she saw the final product her eyes teared up and she smiled with joy.  It was so obvious to me that a room for a child means somethig to them.  They too want to feel like their room is part of a whole home.


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