Sacred Home

We have gone from one room to the other in my home and now we are going to the Master Bedroom. I love a large master bedroom although I admit that it does not make a difference in how I sleep, in fact I have slept better in smaller spaces and when I cannot sleep I sleep in my kid's room.  I feel enveloped in that smaller space oddly enough.

The master bedroom should be the space where you put the most love into it.  The bedding should be perfectly comfortable and again natural fabrics.  I discovered that instead of night tables I like low dressers on both sides of the bed.  They look great and they also provide more storage.  I use the first drawer to hide the book I am reading a journal and pen.  It is s great place to put your smaller clothing items like socks and underwear.  It can be used in many ways, even putting magaziines away.  My master bedroom has a king size bed with sheets that cost about three hundred dollars.  They were a gift and I have to say likely worth every penny by the way they feel, but you don't have to spend that kind of money on your sheets.  Marshall's sells some great Ralph Lauren sheets usually and for about fifty bucks you can dress your bed well with a high thread count and quality sheets and pillow cases.  I love a bargain and places like Home Goods sell wonderful bedroom dressers that look great and are name brands like Lane or Basset.  At the end of my bed are matching low dressers with wood bodies and white drawers.  Each dresser has a different lamp, one matt brass modern and the other in a blue glass.  To add a touch of personalization I have the letter E on top of one dresser with a hood ornament of a woman I got years ago at an antique store.  The other dressers in the room are very clean lined without knobs and drawers with ridges or slabs of wood atop one another.  They are dark and delicious chocolate wood.  I found them at a small shop in Lincoln Park and liked the lines.  My favorite pieces in the room are the pony hair chairs with leather strap arms and chrome body.  They are ones that have been used a lot in Ralph Lauren ads and they are fakes but look like the real thing.  On the floor next to one of the chairs are some large rocks made out of stainless steel.  Then in front of the window there is a console desk table with a large square lamp and shade.  It is also an imimtaton of the Armani home lamp, mostly shade and a low wood base.  It looks great and is a perfect copy of the original one.  On top of the high boy dresser there is an Asian pottery that is shaped in a low oval shape in green.  On the dresser there is a laquered masculine jewlery box with a stainless metal center.  The wood is very defined and inside it is lined with velvet.  I remember seeing this box at the store and asking for it for my birthday and getting denied but I decided to come back and buy it for myself.  I was acutely proud that I did that.  Again I get side tracked, so sorry.  The master bedroom has rice shades on the windows that are  pleated and look very modern and clean like the rest of the room and the bed is completely upholstered in chocolate linen like fabric with some soft tufting.  The art above the bed is of a woman's bust with a corset on and an angel overhead painted by an artist friend of mine.  He put it inside a box frame which gives it depth and looks even more original.  On the other wall there is a painting that a good friend of mine did in Vietnam on a paper bag of a man's face in all black.  It is in a matted silver frame with black matting.  It is hard to explain how meaningful that painting is to me but it is.  Ironically he gave it to me and when people see it they think it is me.  In fact it is just a paper bag and the use of black paint in a professionally made frame.  It is one of those things that I call our artifacts, things that mean something special just to us.  Not everything has to cost a lot of money to look great and mean something to us.  I love that painting.

Our bedroom is one of the most important spaces in our home.  My grandmother did not allow anyone to enter her bedroom and raised us to understand that this was the one room where only the people who sleep in it can go inside of it.  It belongs solely to them and cannot be entered by anyone for any reason.  I feel like this makes sense.  It is a private space to me to this day.  Our bedroom is where we end our day each day and where we rest and sometimes pray before we retire.  It is one of the most sacred spaces of all in our home.   Make your bedroom a haven for resting and a place that is exclusive and private.  Put things inside of it that are meaningful to you and make it comfortable and beautiful as well.  Surround it with  few pieces of art and make sure the lighting is right for ambiance and for reading.  A master bedroom is just as it connotates, a masterpiece.


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