Neccessary Losses

A long long time ago I read a book called "Necessary Losses".  It is about the fact that in life we will lose friends, people and situations and even material things.  It is about accepting the losses and inviting the new things, making room for more of what you need in truth.  In the documentary "I Am" the director in the film who was and still is very famous and rich had an epiphany and it happened after he had a bad head injury from falling off his bike.  He not only started a new life he sold everything he owned and moved into a new life that brought peace to his mind, body and soul.  He let go of mansions and expensive cars to live his truth, a more balanced and happy life.

Life is about losses and we will loose some people and things in our life.  We cannot personalize it because it is just what life is about.  We cannot keep anything forever and almost nothing lasts forever.  The moment we accept that the better we will live our lives.  Knowing we are going to lose people and things in life makes us live today more fully.  Not placing our importance on someone else or something else will help us to accept life as it is and life as it is evolving for us.  We have to trust that the loss of a person whether it hurts or not is a part of our life plan.  We must not personalize it and try to convince anyone to come back to us or stay in situations that are bad for us.  We will receive a new experience when we are ready for it.

I know what it is to lose and I am not sorry anymore about it.  I no longer have to be a bad person because someone did something mean to me as though I deserve it.  I don't have to hold onto an object when it does not belong to me but rather to the universe and maybe to someone who needs it more than I.  I give away clothing every year for this purpose knowing that I don't have to own these things forever and that they should be passed on to someone who may need it more and even fit better in it.  I keep less objects in my home because I realized long ago that the more objects I had the more work I did to keep them clean.  It was not just upkeep but also this idea that I don't need that much in my life.  I recall having fifty candle holders on my fireplace and one day deciding that I no longer needed fifty candle holders.  There was too much in my life.  I did not need it and so I took them down, placed them in a box and donated them.  In their place I put a few larger items that were less work to upkeep.  We don't need a lot of what we have and it is necessary to let go of some of it.  A part of the necessary losses.

I recently lost a friend because she picked others over me instead of keeping me and them as friends. Whatever reasoning she had she needed to end our relationship because of the one she had with these other people.  It was necessary for me to lose this relationship and be able to not shame and blame her or myself about it, even though it hurt me and has not happened often to me.  I am not use to it but I knew in my heart I needed to let go and not questions it so I deleted her number from my cell phone and shredded two pictures of her so as to move on.  It was not a hate ritual believe it or not but a way to say to my spirit, move on Elliott and do so forever.  This was the second time she did the same thing to me and now I see it as a necessary loss.  She needed to move on and so did I no matter how hard it was to swallow and judge myself as less than the others she picked over me.  I have compassion for her because I feel like she was placed in a position to pick when she could have had it all and I feel like I am a great person and a great friend.  A necessary loss.

When you are in a place of losing something or someone remember there is more around the corner.  God will replace it or her or him if that is what needs to happen, if that is what is meant to happen.  Release the person or object and find your joy inside your God center because there will always be losses in your life and mine.


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