How to Bring In The New Year 2

As Christmas is preparing to end, in fact in about thirty minutes in Chicago, many of us begin to ponder the thought of the new year and how to bring it in.  For some there must be a big party and for others it may be something they dread.  For many it is leading to a joyful day and for others it is leading to a day of pain and memories that are hurtful, like the death of a loved one.  We are all so different in the way we would like to bring the new year in and invite that New Year's Eve.  There are people getting split up and then there are those who are awaiting a baby to be born.  For some it is a reminder that there is no one waiting at home and they are still sadly single.  Whatever our situtation is there is no need to cry about spilt milk as they say.  Maybe we need to clean up our basement or dry our tears but either way there are some sure fire positive ways to bring in the New Year 2015.

Plan a trip:
Plan a trip to visit someone who is a friend and who may be spending the New Year alone as well.   Take the first train to Michigan or take a long drive to Ohio.  Don't feel like you have to receive the new year all alone.  We all have at least one friend who would love to bring in the new year!

Attend a Big Bash:
There are many New Year's eve parties you can attend so that you will not be alone and there may even be others who are single there as well.  Attend a New Year's eve party in your area and enjoy the party with a hundred or so people.  There may even be a singles New Year's Eve party at a local bar or other location.

Plan a night with your partner.  Break out the wine and put on your best pajamas.  Plan on watching your favorite movie together, maybe one of the classics they show every year.  Fill up the tub with some bubbles and light some candles.  Bring in the new year bathing in a tub listening to some romatic music and washing each others backs.

Have a little dinner party with a few friends: 
Invite a few friends over for a late dinner party, maybe eight people.  Cook a simple meal and break out a bottle of champagne.  While you are waiting play a little game of charades and light the fireplace.  Spend it with a few people you really like a lot and who you want to be with.  Have your own little party.  Call a few friends right now.  Get the party started.  Oh, don't forget a few noise makers and poppers.

Serve Food to the Homeless: 
Look into your local homeless shelters and donate food and your services for new year's eve.  Make the new year meaningful by starting it helping others.  If you play an instrument offer to play a song for the people at the shelter as an extra tithing of your talents.

Stay Home Alone: 
You are not obligated to be with anyone.  If you are not in the mood to be with anyone simply stay home alone and plan a self-loving time alone.  Fill up the tub just before midnight and as a ritual take a bath and wash off the past allowing the bath to represent a new beginning.  A nice shower will do as  well.  Let the water wash over you and think about how all your past issues are pouring donw the drain below you.  You are starting anew.

Do a Ritual:
My grandmother use to fill up a bucket of water and at the stroke of midnight she opened the door and threw the water out the door.  It was representation of leaving the old behind her and  the new start or beginning.  Make your own ritual for New Year's Eve.  Whether you are with others or alone. Take a broom and jump over it as if to represent a new start the way that people do when they get married.  You are jumping over the old year into the new one.  Sweep some dust from the floor out the door and allow this to be a symbol of cleaning house and beginning a new way of living your life in your home.  Say someting like "I release the old and invite the new" or "I hereby leave the old year and the old issues behind me and am now beginning a bright new year".  Write something you are releasing on a small paper and burn it in the fireplace or a bowl outdoors.  Make it about leting go and starting anew.  Don't feel obligated to feel a certain way.  


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