How to Show Love 3

This is the third blog on showing love.  I am uncertain as to why I am so interested in this subject but suspect it is because I was unable to get the love I wanted or ask for it and when I got together with someone I would ask and be denied.  I know that the reason that I was denied is because I selected men who were emotionally cut off and cut me off emotionally constantly.  It was for me a way for them to show me that I was less than I was and not enough, not ever enough.  I suplicate with others in my life to please not settle because I did so all the time and ended up unhappy and alone, less of a person and even wanting to die.  The pain of being with men who are not present is a killing force and it will not only burn you it will make you ill.  That is why it is so important to know what it means to be loved and receive things that mean love.  So few people are willing to show love and be love but for me I am forced now and today to face the reality that if I don't know what I want out of love I will die being sorry about it or with the reseentments of people who not only did not match my love they did not try to match it.

Relationship is work whether you like it or not.  Showing love is one of the most important aspects of relationship and finding ways to show love is important in the relationship growing.  Here are some more ideas on how to show your love some love:

Make The Day Her/His Day: 
Make the entire day about your partner or spouse.  Let him or her know that this day is all about him or her, what they would like to do and how they would like to spend it whether it is with or without you.  In part the day could include you and not include you, so don't be offended if he or she wants o spend some along time or friend time during the day.  On this day your partner can ask you for dinner or whatever they would like from you.  This day is a day that you will serve your spouse or lover.  Again, this can apply to your child, our mother or a friend.  Give the gift of "A Day in the Life".  It will be remembered for years to come.

Buy a Photo Shoot:
Buy your partner a photo shoot with a photographer.  These will be pictures to create memories and may include the children or a place where you met.  It can also be a photo shoot for pictures that document your love to him or her.  Record a chapter in your life and the love for each other.

Reassure Your Partner: 
Take the time to reassure how much you love your partner by taking the time to have that conversation of love with him or her.  Remind her or him why you love him or her.  Remind her or him of the ways you love her or him and the reasons.  List the reasons in a letter and read it to them.  Don't hold your feelings back and allow your loving words to come out of you even if tears surface.  Your partner needs to hear it every once in a while because like humans that we are we wonder how much we are still loved after some years of being together.  That the love did not die and in fact is alive and well.

Set a Surprise: 
Make up the best surprise ou can think of.  Make it one of the all time surprises whether it is to get a distant relative to come for your loved one's birthday.  Even though a surprise birthday party is clearly the most common it can be profound for your child or spouse depending on what has gone on in their life.  Some of us have never had a surprise birthday party or a surprise ring or a wonderful surprise of a gift we have been wanting so badly.  Surprises are not only fun they show our loved ones we care deeply about them, enough to invent a cool surprise just for them.

Breakfast in Bed: 
Instead of getting up earlier and going to visit a friend, stay in and wait for your partner to wake up and prepare a lovely breakfast for them of their favorite eggs and ham or bagel, maybe some pancakes.  Show some love with a special meal for the person you love.

Care Package: 
Send a care package to someone you love with a few of their favorite things.  Coffee, crackers, cheeses, sausage, a beautiful sweater or an inspritational gift.  Show the person you love that is far away tha you are thinking of them.


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