5 Things to Wish For

It is so obvious that the things we wish for are important but more than that it is what we will get.  Be very specific about what you wish for.  Don't hold back and wish for the most wonderful things, even ones you would not believe you would ever have.  Wish for the most loving relationship or wish for the happiest days and fall in love with yourself.  Wish for things that are meaningful and focus on it.  Keep it positive and worded in a way as though you know you will get your wis for sure.  You are positive it will happen.

1.  I wish for world peace and harmony in my family.  I know that my family is the best family I can have and that every person in ny family is great and loves me and love each other.  We are a joyful family that loves to dance and sing and be boustrous.  I know my family is the best family ever and that there will be and continues to be happiness and harmony in it.  We love each other and I know that this wish is very true in the here and now.

2.   I wish for complete abudance in every area of my life.  I know that I will be abundant.  I know that abundance is at my door.  I know that abundance is mine to have and that there is plenty of it to go around.

3. I am healthy and whole.  My body is healed and there is no illness in ny body.  I wish to be healed and I will be healed in three months without radiation or chemo.  I am healthy and whole and healed completely.  I wish for a healthy body, mind an spirit and know this to be the truth.  I know that I can heal myself.

4. I wish for a creative outlet.  I want to create more creations like earrings and other items that I lovce to make.  I will make more of these items and become abundant in my creative sources.  I know I can creat beautiful things and become a person who is known for his creations.  I will not only create them but sell them. I wish for an abundance in materials I will use to create.  I will be strong and healthy and create and even invent new things that others need.

We must wish for what we want rather than to focus on what is wrong in our life.  Focus on the things you wish for in your life.  List them and simply decide that you are going to have it.  Do things as if you already have it like going to see the car of your dreams.  If you focus on the bad things that will bring more of that bad stuff to your life.  Go walk in a peace march and don't participate in an anti-war march.  March of what you want in your life and take the attention away from what you don't want to happen.  Say to your self: "In the past I thought this but the truth is that ...'.Take charge of your life.  There is more than enough of all the things you wish for.  There are plenty of Tesla cars, beautiful homes, healthy foods and positive thinkers.  Go, Just do it.  Do it today.


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