Finding Your Peace (more)

Peace is a symbol of tranquility and patience and love.  Peace overcomes the darkness and brings in the light.  Peace gives us a reason to be connected rather than disconnected.  Peace gives us more of what is natural to us in a spiritual, emotional and physcal manner.  For each person finding peace is important enough that we are constantly talking of it.

Participate In Peace Not War: 

Whenever possible if you are to participate in a march or a protest make it about peace and not about being against something like war.   It is said that we bring to our life what we focus on.  Focusing on peace is what our goal should be, not focusing on war and the things that are wrong in our world.  What we place our energy into is what we will get and it's that basic.  And so focus on peace and harmony.  Focus on what you want to get more of, peace, harmony and balance on the earth.  You will see how peace flows when it is the energy that you always bring into each aspect of your life with each person in your life, even when it is difficult and when others present a conflicting and apposing view.  Be kind to others as you go through your day.  Think of a world at peace and that will be what you manifest.   Refuse to participate in a war like stance or war like behaviors where you are at odds with others and when it presents itself don't participate, refuse to be a party to it.


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