5 Things to Be Grateful For

I am not a guru nor have I beens studied sufficiently to be a truly spiritually sound man yet but my intention is to grow closer to becoming a spiritual man.  In order to become more of who I am I know that I must be in more gratitude for what I have.  I believe this to be true of all of us.  What we are grateful and verbalize we are thankful for we will get more of.  We talk to our subconcious mind and it manifests what we tell it to.  If we list the bad things that are happening that are "bad" we will manifest more of it.  Some have called it having and attitude of gratitude.  Here are five things that I think one can be grateful for and some of the things I have gratitude around:

1. I am grateful to be alive: After having addressed some serious illness and the treatements for them I am grateful to be alive, to breathe this day and each day.  I am grateful that a higher being has protected me.

2. I am grateful for my family who loves me.  I am especially grateful to my daughter Camille for spendiing time with me and truly being as involved as she can be in my healing and lovig me.

3. I am grateful for the home that I live in that is beautful and clean and where I have lots of room and comforts.

4. I am grateful for my body that is functioning relatively well in spite of the treatments and in fact I know that I will be healed.

5. I am grateful for my pension money and know that abundance will find me and I will have plenty of money in my life.  I know that this will happen because I am going to manifest it very soon.

What are you grateful for.  Be it small or large detail what you are grateful for every day.  My five gratitudes are examples of what you may be grateful for.  Gratitude declares that you want more of what you have and being in gratitude will give you more right back to you.  Your wish is your command.  Be very grateful for what you have and be thankful.  Focus on gratitude, the good in your life and that is what you will have more of.  It is the "law of attraction".  What are your five gratitudes?  List them and focus more on them each day.  What you think about and are happy about is what you will get more of.
Elliott Collazo Gonzalez


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