4 LIfe Agreements

I want to preface this blog by stating that the four agreements are not my original Idea but rather come from the book by the name of "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz one of the most famous spiritual leaders of our time.  I would like with the permission of Source to share these agreements and to add my own personal interpretation of each one.  For those of you who have not read it and I was surprised to know that someone on the show "Windy City Live" did not know of this book and author.  Don Miguel Ruiz is likely one of the most well known authors in the world never mind in the US.  But as life would have it not everyone knows about Don Miguel and so this may be your first encounter with his work.  Don Miguel Ruiz was a medical doctor but came from a line of spiritual healers.  After having been a doctor for a little while Don Miguel found himself in a situation where he felt he was not in his highest potential and where he was meant to be.  He then decided to practice being a spiritual mentor and eventually wrote "The Four Agreements" which has been translated into at least fifty languages and is known all around the world.  Today Don Miguel lectures and continues to mentor others in a way that is compassionate and kind.

Here are the 4 life agreements as I see them:

1.  Don't take anything personal: 

People will talk about you and at you.  People might say things that are hurtful and even attempt to tell you who you are.  You cannot live a full life if you take what others say personally and allow their opinions of you to hurt you.  When you personalize what others say or think about you there is always a risk that you believe it and live it out.  It can even kill your spirit.  Taking things personally is a sign that you might not have a handle on who you really are and that you feel insecure about who you really are.  It is when we believe what others say that we must look inside and know that this is not a personal attack on us.  In fact their opinion of us may be a projection of how they feel about themselves., their own self-loathing or their own sadness.  When you hear what others think of you don't take it personal and you will live a much happier and healthy life emotionally and spiritually .

2. Do Your Very Best: 

I share with others that all God wants of us is that we do our best.  Nothing more and nothing less.  When we do our best we can become self assured and happy that we have done everything we can to solve an issue or create a good situation.  Doing our best means putting our hearts into everything we do and making an effort.  Once we do our best if we fail at what we are doing we can at least honestly say we did our best and live happily knowing this truth.  Do your best in all you do whether it is writing  a love letter or sweeping the floor.  Do your best if it is just making a dress or cooking a meal.  When we do our best we feel satisfied and not resentful of the outcome.  We do our best and we accept that our best is good enough.  When we know we did not do our best we feel incomplete and we know it to be true that we did not do our best.  We don't have to beat ourselves up either way but rather do our best to do our best in life.  If we do we will always feel good about it.

3. Be Impeccable with your word:

This of course means to be completely honest and truthful.  But moreover it means to mean what you say and do what you said you were going to do.  It also means (to me) that you are clear in stating what you mean and being truly honest in saying it.  You keep your promises and you are impeccable with your word.  By being impeccable with your word you have no need to lie.  You have no need to make up stories but rather say what is truth even if it is not as prestigious or fantastic or colorful or interesting.  Be honest and say what you mean and be in the light of truth.  Being impeccable with our word is difficult to do in a world of fantasy and lies.  It is hard because people want to be more than what they are and will even lie about it.  Impeccable means that everything that comes out of your mouth is true.  Being impeccable with your word in simple terms means that you keep your promises and what you say you will do.  We may not be able to be completely impeccable with our word but with practice we will overcome any obstacle to our impeccable truth and living our authentic self.


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