4 Steps to Healing Yourself

Along my journey with cancer (otherwise known as my health opportunity) I have had a lot of time to refelct on this idea of self healing.  While many others would rather be healed or believe that doctors or treatments will heal them I continue to be tapped on my shoulder and asked to believe in something more powerful like a Source, A Higher Being, A God.

I believe that I have uncovered my won four steps to healing and that these steps are a more complete path to healing than the one that is limited to just western medicine.  I don't agree and have found that healing yourself is a process that has little to do with doctors or radiation or chemo treatments.  

The four steps to healing myself have been: 

1. Diet

The food we consume is like the most sacred element of healing.  Foods that are high in sugar feed cancer and feed a diabetic person's body, defeating your own healing.  A diet of fresh greens and raw veggies promotes healing and gives our body the oxogen we need for our healing.  Diet is everything in the quest to heal any illness especially ones like cancer.  There are facts that support that things like meat feed cancer and that greens like spinach attack it and help it to be healed.  Diet is what gets us ill and diet is what can cure us.  The wrong foods will help kill us while the right ones will help us to live longer even if we are not sick.  If more doctors knew about diet they would first recommend diet before they put you on a table to be fried with radiation and take my word for it, it burns badly.  

2. Prayer and Meditation: 

Praying and meditating is a healing process.  When we take the time to pray or meditate we are giving our body a message to heal and to listen to our spirit and our hearts.  When we pray to be healed and we meditate and focus on a  body that is healthy and whole we are healing ourselves.  Nothing is better for the body and mind than sitting in silence and asking for what you need and what your body needs.  The silence of prayer or meditation is in itself healing and we know this only through practicing it.  Whatever your emotional or physical challenges the power of prayer and mediation will heal you.

3. Water:

There is a book that was written many years ago about a doctor who believed that water was curative.  He went from patient to patient and recommended they drink water almost constantly.  He was mocked and laughed at for his belief.  Yet there was proof that the water regimen worked.  Today we know that water is healing and curative.  It is not surprising that water is healing since water is a natural element and the world is made mostly of water.  It makes complete sense that water cleanses the body and that is why many people drink plenty of water and they are usually more healthy than the ones that don't drink enough water.  I am uncertaiin as to the name of the book about water and the many healing properties of water but I am sure one can google it and find out.  When I drink enough water I feel like a rock star and when I don't drink enough I feel slow and lifeless.  On those days when I drink a lot of coffee I truly get to know how dehydrating it is for me.  Those days I am not in a place of caring and healing.  Healing with water is a reality and the more we drink of it the more we are using the source of the gods to cure ourselves.  It certainlyk cannot hurt.

4. Commnication in Any Form:

When we write or talk about how we feel it should be in the most positve light possible.  There will be times when we complain about our lives to others or we write down things in a way that drags us down.  Journaling is an age old process that is tremendously healing.  Write about your feelings, talk about your feelings and sing about your feelings but whatever you do get them out.  Express them.  If you are in a relationship that is nurturing use that person as a sounding board and make sure to keep it as light as possible.  Communicate with God/Source.  Let him or her know how you are feeling and how you would like to feel.  Have the communication be one that is as if you are talking to a friend and not some lofty source.

There you have it.  The 4 Steps to Healing Yourself.  What are the steps you need to take to self healing?  Write them down and ask yourself why you believe them to be the healing sources.  Make your own list or use this one.  I can only say that if it were not for these four steps I would likely not still be here.  As simple as these steps seem to be it takes work on our part to take action and to heal.  God will do the rest.  


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