A New Year Evolution

In less than twenty four hours it will be New Year's Eve.  There will be parties and there will be what people refer to as resolutions.  I would rather see life as a constant evolution and not as a resolution at any time for any purpose.  I feel like resolutions make it seem as though we need to fix ourselves because there is something wrong with us and I say we don't need fixing.

I want to make an evolution and continue to evolve into the best person I can possibly be adding to an already wonderful canvas.  I would like to see others look at the new year as an evolution and as a continuum.  A consistent and constant movement forward.  That is what the true meaning is about to me and my spirit.

Tonight I will go to a friend's home with my youngest daughter because she loves to get dressed up and so do I frankly.  I know that we will have a great time since we are usually very much in collaboration whatever we do whether it is cooking or going to a dinner party.  She is a lot like my former wife, her mom and my friend.  Both have a collaborative approach and one that I appreciate.  I attribute it to the Yin Yang of the female and male energy.

As you look forward into the new year think about your ways to evolve and how you will just be more than what you already are.  MORE.  Look at this as a transformation of the mind, the body and the soul.  In what ways will you evolve?

I am personally not aligned with resolutions but please know that if this is your comfort zone look at it as a spiritual journey and a loving journey.  Be sensitive to yourself and easy and graceful in what you expect of yourself.  Don't feel pressured around it but rather let it flow from you.  Write the things down that you would like to see happen in your life and give yourself a few deadlines for each area of your life including the financial area.

Happy New Year!  Happy 2015.  May it be joyful and peaceful and prosperous.


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