How to Find Peace (continued on)

It is not easy make peace and keep peace in our environment.  Peace is what we want more of and the truth is that we look to others, like our politicians to find peace for us when most times they are incapable of it.  In fact it is the political system that has promoted this idea that if we don't go to war we won't be able to live in peace.  Every spiritual leader that would have any say it this would not agree.  Wars do not create peace.

Meditation and Silent Connection:

If we expect to find and maintain peace we must practice being in a state of peace.  We do this by connecting with our spirit and by meditating.  Meditation is a way to feel harmony with the earth and to feel a connection with the deepest part of who we are.  Taking the time to be silent and take some deep breaths helps us to release some of the tensions of life whether they are personal or job related.  One of the things about meditation is that you can do it at any time just about anywhere.  You can close your bathroom or office door and take a few minutes to just take your mind away from the outer noise.  Do this as often as you can and especially do this at least twice a day.  Once in the morning and once at night.  Ideally three times would be  a good meditation practice.  There are people who do no less than an hour or meditation but they are also practiced.  The time that we spend meditating varies and is tailored to our own needs.  I think a minimum of 15-20 minutes twice a day is good and maybe more time can be dedicated to it on weekends.  Meditation is a way to finding inner peace and by finding your inner peace you are contributing to world peace.  You create an energy of peace.  You start a practice that promotes peace and that can and will grow out from you and branch out from you.  Finding peace is not like finding your talents.  Finding peace is more like finding the soulful part of yourself, the part that is balanced and the part that you will find is essential to living a whole and complete life.


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