Happiness Is Intentional

Happiness is purposeful.  Most of us must work at it because it does not come natural to us.  The myth about happiness is that happiness is a given but the reality is that it's not.  Feelings of unhappiness creep in to our lives all the time and the reason is because things happen to us that are saad or that disappoint us, whether it is a death of a person we love or becoming very ill.  Happiness is natural to some while for many it is work and comes from making a decision to be happy in spite of what is going on in their life.

Thinking Happy Thoughts 

The key to happiness is to think good thoughts, to think happy.  Think about times in your life that were and the things about your life that still are good.  Decide that you are going to rid yourself of the thoughts that make you feel unhappy.  Say to yourself, "enough" and say to yourself "I choose to be happy" whenever the sadness comes forward.  It is OK to feel sadness for a period of time but in order to be a happier person you have to decide to be happy by placing good thoughts inside your mind.  It is a form of brainwashing but in a good way.  It is telling your mind and spirit that you are choosing joy and laughter over sadness and gloom.  Thinking happy thoughts is the first basic step to feelings of joy.  Think happy just think happy.  It is that simple and yet not the easiest thing to do, but people do it all the time under the worse of circumstances.

Do and Particpate in Happy Things: 

If you want to be happy you need to do things that are joyful.  For some it is reading a good book while for eome it is balancing dancing and singing.  We must find out what it is that brings us joy and do it often if not every day.  Take the time each day to do something happy no matter what that is.  Try various things that you feel will make you feel good.  Participate in things that are positive.  Watch TV shows that are positive and be around people who are positive.  Happiness gets altered when we participate in negative behaviors or watch negative things or hang around negative people.  Happiness is intentional and what we do must be happy things, intentionally.

Find Your Highest Joy:

Find out what is your highest joy.  For some it is sewing and creating garments.  For some it is creating a peice of art.  Fining your highest joy means finding that which brings you the most joy.  Your highest joy is not the same as others.  Your highest joy is personal and individual.  It can be playing a sport of being in an organization.  It can be taking a dance class.  Finding your joy is your job to do because no one can find it for you.

Volunteer Work: 

One of the ways to find your own joy is to volunteer to help others.  When you help others happiness is bestowed on you because you are doing something for others who are in need.  There are many volunteer opportunities in your area and finding the right fit for you is important.  Some of us can volunteer in a senior home while others would not be able to work with elders.  Some of us would rather work with kids who need an mentor like big brothers or big sisters.  Find the type of volunteer work that you can relate to  and that you think would be best for you.  Volunteer work is the best way to feel a sense of belonging and a sense of importance which normally makes us feel happier.  Happiness comes from helping others less fortunate than us.

Intend to be Happy:

Intention is everything.  If you want to be happy you will be.  Be intentional in the things that you do each day and intentional about feeling your inner joy.  Keep that intention in the forefront of your mind at every moement.  Intending to be happy is the first step.  Intention is everything and it  means that you say yes to joy and yes to life.  Intend to be happy and you will be.


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