10 Ways To Happiness Alone

As I fight the good fight of my life I think about what it is that is keeping me alive and in some form of joy.  It occurs to me that I have been alone even when I was in a relationship and that being along is not new to me.  The difference is that my ego has sometimes taken over my spirit and I forget that being alone and well accompanied is better than being ill accompanied with someone who isn't emotionally available anyway.  I have learned once more how to be alone but moreover how to be alone and find my happiness in that aloneness.  Sometimes I admit it is lonely but there are times when it is delightful and good.  Sometimes I can see the light and other times I get caught in the dark without fully knowing it is happening, but every time I find ways to bring myself back to my spiritual center and to my self loving me.

This is how I do it:

1. Take a trip: 

Go on a trip alone anywhere that is cheap at the time and safe to visit.  Take yourself on a mini vacation for a few days.  Go to a nice resort in Michigan or an all inclusive trip to Mexico.  Take time to treat yourself and be with your spirit.  Being alone on a trip helps the soul heal and the heart and mind more full.

2. Buy Yourself Some Flowers:

Go to the nearest florist or grocer and buy a dozen tulips or stargazers.  Yellow flowers are a great color to raise the spirits and white ones are elegant and give off a feeling of luxury.  Whatever flower reminds you of light and joy and the color that resonates for you is the one to get.  I love white orchids and the plant lasts for months.  Buying yourself flowers is a way of lovng yourself and saying you are worth it.  We don't need to have someone else buy us flowers to feel that feeling of appreciation and love for what we do and who we are.

3. Make A Meal: 

Get out your recipe book and cook yourself a dinner fit for royalty.  Make your favorite ethnic food whether it is Italian or Spanish.  When we take the time to make ourselves a meal we say yes to our importance and we are saying that we deserve it and we do.  Taking that time to make a beautiful meal on pretty plates and using your best china makes you feel special and no one can do that better than you because no one knows you better than you.

4. Get dressed and Go Dancing: 

Get off the sofa and take yourself to a party or a dance club.  Take yourself out for the evening and if you like ask a friend to come along.  Put on something fancy like a smart looking black dress or some black pants and crisp white shirt.  If you would like to take it a step up get yourself a rose and pin it to a suit jacket.  Go all the way with it.  Don't hold back in showing your little inner child how special he or she is.

5. Meditate to Music: 

Take some time to listen to the music of Liquid Mind or other meditation music and sit in silence.  Think of nothing and when something distracts you bring yourself back to the silence even if you need to focus on an object or close your eyes.  I call it "finding your Buhhda".  Take a time each day to sit in reverence of yourself and honor that inner spirit of yours.  If it helps recite an affimation to yourself like: "I am complete and whole as I am and my heart is filled with prosperity".  Seek the deepest part of you and if emotions come up allow yourself to feel them.  Silence and meditation elicit emotions and at times I cry when I meditate.  I know that for me part of the experience is the music because it moves me.


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